Are we loosing the “Human” part of Human Being”


Are we loosing the “Human” part of Human Being”
Interaction with the students in the University where my husband was Vice Chancellor in Rohtak





Human Being is the most gifted creature on earth, both mentally and physically. However, the actual worth of a human being only manifests through Character Building and Capability Development as he/she grows through Mentorship and Education, to really become an asset to the mankind. Therefore, all civilisations and religions, from times immemorial gave maximum emphasis to these two aspects in all their preaching, teachings and practices to make a ‘Human’ out of a Human Being, so essential for societal living.

However, the changing socio-economic conditions have overtime given rise to the concept of ‘materialism’, which has started an unethical and unending competition amongst human beings wherein ‘desires’ have overtaken ‘needs’, and has had a debilitating impact on human character and so on their ethical behaviour. The degradation has only accelerated over recent decades, as moral teachings and guidance, both at home and in schools, have slid down from being an important aspect to just be periodically reminded of or talked about. Resultantly, the harmonious relationships within the family and society are under increasing strain - ‘We’ is being fast replaced by ‘Me’, and this is also impacting the environment in a big way, as nature can possibly only cater to the ‘need’ and not ‘greed’.

Unfortunately education, which was to form the bedrock of morality, ethics and capability building, too has got relegated to just being a means to get employment. The individual capabilities of children tend to be measured in percentages scored in schools, making them book worms and rote learners, seriously impacting their overall growth. Similarly in colleges, the race is for acquiring Degrees with little attention to capability development. So while India boasts of a large ‘demographic dividend (young population)’, I feel that the youth is not fully empowered / capable to meet the emerging challenges and requirements of the nation.While the NEP (New Education Policy) 2020 has attempted to overhaul and energise the system, there is a need to make drastic changes at the execution levels.

‘Character’ and ‘Capability’ of the people of India are going to be the two most important aspects to realise the aspiration of being ‘VIKSHIT BHARAT by 2047’.The parents (and Elders at home) and Teachers at school need to re-orient themselves to once again focus their energies to building the Character of the budding Youth. For this, the teachers at the schools ought to be empowered and paid well to deliver better. At the college levels, the focus needs to gravitate to Capability Development. And the capability development has to move away from the routine avenues of Engineering, Medical, IT etc, and make other avenues (viz. Factory working, repair & restoration activities etc) equally attractive, as these would now be required in increasing numbers as India grows to be a Manufacturing Hub. ‘Self Learning’ is possibly the best means to Capability Development. And to re-energise and make schools & colleges more responsible, I feel that the Coaching Centres need to be gradually done away with, which not only have impacted the efficiency of schools & colleges, but added an additional burden on students and parents.

 Jai Bharat !!