10 simple yet effective daily yogic habits to transform life

Often, we seek fancy solutions to our big problems and it’s true to every field of life. In the era of this digital world when everything is just a click away, we have forgot the basics to take care of our health on both physical and mental level which has caused a lot of life style disorders into our young generations. Here, I am sharing simple yet very effective yogic lifestyle changes which will help you to easily move into a healthy life style. 1. Morning detox – Two glasses of warm water right after waking up is the best detox for every cell in the body. Sit in malasana (malasana is Indian squat pose, just the way how we use to sit in Indian toilet) and drink water sip by sip in about 5-7 minutes. 2. Practice Surya namaskar everyday – Did you know that 30 minutes of Sun salutation practice burns 417 calorie (approx.) which is more than any other activity like running, bicycling, weight lifting, basketball, zumba or aerobics done for the same time. Sun salutation is a complete work out which offers a range of benefits such as helps to lose weight, improves blood circulation and digestion, strengthens the heart, tones spine, neck, shoulder, arms, hands, wrist, back and leg muscles and thereby promote overall flexibility. And the best part about Sun Salutation is you don’t need to move out of your home and You only need yourself, a yoga mat and space equals to yoga mat to do this. Start your journey sun salutation journey now! 3. Spend 10 minutes under Sun everyday – Sun is one amongst the vital source of life on planet earth. Spend 10-15 minutes everyday sitting under the rising Sun. It is not only good for your Vitamin ‘D’ levels but also balances fire, earth, air and space element of the body and brings positivity towards life. You can meditate while you sit under Sun and avoid using your mobile phones. Did you know, that lack of sun exposure in the cold countries is one of the major reason of depression and suicide. 4. Eating the right way – remember the “3S” rule here: (a) Eat with your senses – visualize how much do you want to eat and always take less than what you want to eat. Chew each bite 24 time and relish it before gulping in. Once you finish one serving, ask yourself if you want to eat more and follow the process again. (b) Eat in silence – avoid distractions like televisions, mobile etc which will help you to connect with the food and improves satiety. (c) Sit down and eat – sitting on the floor in sukhasana improves blood circulation around the abdomen region and helps in better assimilation of food nutrition and smoothens digestion process. 5. Eat local, seasonal and traditional – nature is super intelligent and it has given the flora and fauna, crops of pulses, grains, fruits and vegetables in a region in harmony with the climate and according to the seasonal requirement of the people of such region. Like mustard oil is good for those who lives in north region of India, peanut oil for west region and coconut oil for south Indian people. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are more nutritious and flavourful than when they are purchased in season. This is not just good for your pocket but also good for the country’s economy. 6. Eat an early dinner – our body’ digestive weakens as the Sun sets and it is therefore advised to finish your dinner by 7 pm. Having an early dinner not only helps in sleeping better but also to wake up early and fresh. 7. Sit in Vajrasana after each meal – Vajrasana, also known as diamond pose, is the only asana which can be done after eating meal. This is a sitting posture. Vajrasana stimulates the digestive organs, including the stomach, intestines and pancreas. It obstructs the blood flow to our legs and thighs and increase it in the stomach area, thus improving bowel movements and relieving constipation. Staring with sitting for 3-4 minutes and slowly increase it 10-12 minutes. 8. Move more sit less – make a habit of sitting for no longer than 30 minutes at a stretch. After every 30 minutes of sitting, take a break of 3 minutes and move. Longer sitting builds toxins in the body. 9. Improve sleep quality – did you know that the blue light emitted by the gadgets like mobile\ TV\ Computers disturbs the production of sleeping hormone (i.e. melatonin). It is therefore recommended to make distance from gadgets one hour before the bed time. Instead, one can do any of following activities to calm the mind which will help in improving sleep quality – Reading a book, focusing on your breath or practicing calming pranayama such as Bhramari or Nadi Shodhan for -5-10 minutes, listening a slow music. 10. Practice gratefulness – everyday take out 5 minutes, notice and acknowledge the things you’re grateful for, count your blessings and be thankful to the universe for your health. This can brighten up your day, boost your mood and help you feel more positive in the challenging times. Where there is a will, there is a way.