Challenges Faced By Women In India
India, a nation rich in cultural diversity and history, is no stranger to progress and development. However, women in India still continue to face challenges in day to day life. Women's empowerment has been an issue of immense discussions and contemplation over the last few decades world-wide. Nowhere in history can we find instances of men and women being treated equally or given the same status. Women have repeatedly pushed for her equality and have been fighting for her rights and status in society so that they can live their lives precisely comparable to those of men.
In the ancient Indian society women were adored and worships as goddesses. however in the middle age the status got down to a great extent. Women in society are considered to perform duties like bring up children, taking care of family members and other household activities. But now women are breaking all the barriers of social issues and problems against them in the society. They have to suffer a lot in their daily life to nourish their career as well as saving their family relationships. They have go through a lot of problems for making their dreams come true.
Issues and problems faced by women in India
There are many problems that women are facing in the society. Some of them are discussed below:
Gender Disparities in Education
Access to quality education remains a challenge for many girls in India. The traditional mindset prioritizes male education over female education needs to be demantled. There are some areas in India where people cannot spend much on education and are thus giving priority to their male child thinking that their girl has to go to another house. This issue has been resolved to a great extent but not completely by the government giving free education to those families who cannot afford it.
Violence against women
India grapples with the pervasive issue of violence against women, encompassing domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment. Sexual exploitation of girl child at home, streets, public places, transports, workplace, etc. by the family members, neighbours, friends or relatives. Facing domestic violence is like endemic and widespread disease affects almost 70% of Indian women according to the women and child development official. It is performed by the husband, relative or other family member.
Workplace Inequality
Despite the role of gender equality in upholding fundamental human rights, women’s involvement in the labour market remains inadequate. In India, men earn 82% of the labour income, while women earn a mere 18% as highlighted in the World Inequality Report 2022.
To overcome this gap, organizations need to enact robust policies and comprehensive programs that pay equity and equal opportunities across the roles. Companies must embrace diversity and provide equal opportunities for women to thrive in their careers.
Child Marriage and Dowry System
Cultural practices like child marriage and dowry system continue to adversely affect the lives of young girls. Child marriages are getting performed in mostly the rural areas. Parents of boys family demand a lot of money from the bride’s family to be rich in one time. Empowering girl education and skills can disrupt these harmful traditions.
Selective abortion and female infanticide
It is the most common practice for years in India in which abortion of female foetus is performed in the womb of mother after the sex determination by the medical professionals. But it has been stopped to a great extent after sex determination is being made illegal in India.
As we navigate the complex path of challenges faced by women in India, it becomes very clear and obvious that a comprehensive and collaborative effort is required. By fostering education, economic empowerment and dismantling the so-called stereotypes, India can move towards a more equitable future. Empowering women to contribute to the nation’s growth is not just a goal, it’s important for building a strong society with equal opportunities for all. As we move on this journey, let us envision an India with women standing tall, walking freely without carrying any loads of like fear, fear of violence, fear of losing relationships etc. and believing in themselves thus building a strong nation.