Beauty of Women's Health and Healthy Living in Today's World.

Beauty for women since ages has been always described about her appearance, her way of looking, her way of wearing clothes also what size she is having of her body, but seldomly it was spoken about her health, both physical and mental. Physical health where she is not just looking smaller size, but feeling best in her body, physical health where she is taking care of her nutrition as per her demands required for taking care of her baby, doing a fulltime job, taking care of household chores and by end of the day taking care of her own needs. Mental health where she is feeling safe, where her success is getting celebrated not just at the office but at home as well, mental health where she feels open to talk about her weaknesses and requirements. Beauty of having this Perfect Physical and Mental health has been rarely talked about.

Writting this down today, it feels so much pleasure to talk about how beautiful is to have a Beauty of Health. and this beauty is hardest to achieve, because no one will give that to you, you have to earn it. You have to prioritise it. You have to fall in love with yourself to get it. You need to make tough choices for it. And what you get by end of it, it's real essence just not stop at you, but the joy which you spread to your family and loved one by being healthy, by making healthy choices, by being the most clear about your mind, feelings, emotions and needs, that Joy is different. That earning is different. 

In today's 3 seconds world, it gets really difficult to make such lifelong choices to get that effect instantly, but that's how it works. this doesn't work on the instant gratification, this instantly won't give you that rush, but a life where you are celebrating and getting celebrated everyday lifelong. This is where not only your families see you in the best version but you set examples for your future generations as well.

So how do we really do it, so how do we reach that level? its simple. we just take our health in our hand, we take authority of our own body, we take our own dreams serious, we don't doubt our needs and our thoughts, we walk towards health and people who help us to keep our health in check.

We are women, we know what we want, we know what we deserve, we know where we are happy and we must know where we are healthy too, so that its not just external thing which we are making for external World, but building our Foundation Strong to be timeless.