Mind fulness

Mind fulness

It's an old saying "Health is wealth". Health is not only physical health, it is about mental health as well. We may have progressed with time, but still mental health is taboo. We don't talk about it. Recent data shows out of every 10 people, 8 are facing mental illness. We are not aware of it and we are not comfortable discussing it and talking help till it gets worse. Along with physical health, mental health has a vital role to play in our lives. Our brain is a powerful tool in our body. To keep our minds healthy, we should practice mindfulness, which helps us to become more optimistic and positive towards life. In is the way to out. What we feel within the project outside. Meditation and mindfulness help us to cultivate a positive mindset that helps us to cope with difficult situations and we are not broken in between. Mind is very wonderful software, if we have a proper user manual to use it. The saying goes " A healthy mind resides in a healthy body". So both mind and body are interrelated, yoga is the union of mind and body that brings the balance between them. So let's focus on health to make the world a better place to live.