- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Born and brought up in the most lovable city ‘Bengaluru’. Married for 8 years and blessed with a beautiful girl ‘Ishita’ which completes my family. Graduated with Bachelors of Engineering from the most reputed university. Currently pursuing my Post Graduation from IIIT,Bangalore. I have been working for DXC Technology with an overall IT experience of 12 years. Always try to enhance myself by reading self-improvement books.Passion for cooking and baking runs in the family.I would describe myself as an adventurous person and my biggest adventure till date has been sky diving from 28,000 ft.Disciplined life is what I follow and a very determined mind makes me keep me on track.I would say that I am an extrovert and always love to challenge myself.Working as an emcee and also head the society where I live.Marathon runner and proud of completing half marathon. I think others would say am very ambitious, active, reliable, strong willed. My Life mantra is ‘If you resist change, you resist life’
- You’re Achievements that makes you feel high.
To me achievement is getting appreciated by my parents. The way I have been able to balance work and home, taking care of my family, taking care of my daughter’s education, taking care of myself along with fitness is what I feel content about. The first one in my family who is a working women,travelled abroad,half marathon runner,sky diver and also the very first one to enter the beauty pageant. Watching happiness in their eyes makes me feel high.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is reaching people’s heart through your moral values. It’s the choices you make, your purity of thoughts and how you give back to your community.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Unconditional love,compromising on the differences,giving each other space when required,supporting & motivating each other constitutes a healthy and happy family. There is a saying “A family that eats together,stays together” is the time we get to share about our everyday activities.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
My idea of holidaying is amid the mountains where I can find my tranquility and totally be lost in the scenic beauty and landscapes.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
I would like to grow by challenging myself by coming out of my comfort zone. I believe Mrs.India, Queen of Substance will provide a doorway to opportunities for me to build a better life.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Currently India is in a absolute chaos. Rapes,murders,corruptions is what we hear on a daily basis.Even after 73 years of independence,there is no safety for women and minorities in India.So,respect and safety for women would be the factor that bothers me the most.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“If I try my best and fail then I have tried my best” by Steve Jobs. This motivates me to keep going.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
Having a positive attitude and giving your best shot is true “Sportsmanship” to me.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I were to be selected as a Charity Ambassador, I would like to use this platform to tie up with women’s organization where rape victims reside. I would like to provide them a guide on how to deal with it psychologically,provide skills to protect themselves and lead a strong life ahead.