- A brief about yourself and how you describe your personality and persona.
Heart full of love & compassion, eyes loaded with dreams, soul of a wife & a mother, and a smilingly helping human; my name is Deepti and I am a technical manager by profession. Adding value to the life of others gives me immense satisfaction and apart from my work, I volunteer myself in corporate campaigns, influential talks, working towards health& fitness and programs related to environmental issues. My innate desire to constantly learn has helped me grow as a person and I can’t stop learning even from my kid on how to adopt the “let it go†attitude towards life. In my art, I always try to emphasize the fact how important it is to maintain your individuality, make goals in your life, make plans, work hard for them and just remember to – BElieve in YOUrself.
- Your achievements that makes you feel high.
Achievements – big or small, churns out a better version of us. Enormous hard work, passion to win, sweats, constant focus, fighting the challenges is all what takes to achieve the milestones we set for yourselves and we learn to be stronger. Academics: Topper in school, Computer Science B. Tech. graduate with honors, multiple times awarded as Star Performer in profession has always encouraged me to work hard and give my 100%. I started my professional career as a Software Engineer and with my hard work and perseverance now work as a Development Manager managing a team of several members. Award winner in debate, dance and writing competitions, I have also performed in TV channels for Dance programs. Morally, my biggest achievement is being a working mother. My heart now loves more, my mind now does multi-tasking much better and I am a better manager.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is which lingers in your mind even when you close your eyes. Outside beauty fades with times, inner beauty becomes more beautiful as the time recedes. A heart smeared in love for everyone, courageous and confident, mind full of wisdom, helping attitude and the person who have the power to influence others is according to me is a beautiful person. A 60 year old is beautiful who just finished her marathon with courage and confidence, a mother who does not have enough to eat but gives everything to her child is beautiful, an amputated blade runner who just finished off the sprint track, an acid attack survivor who just got ready for her photoshoot and walked the ramp gracefully is beautiful – a different perspective which makes a home in mind is – true beauty.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
T-ruthfulness, R-espect, U-nderstanding, S-upport and T-rue Love is what makes TRUST, the key pillar of a happy family. Be it a nuclear or a joint - there has to be an endearment and feeling of respect towards each other and everything falls in place automatically. Sharing responsibilities is the essence of a happy family in today’s modern era. A family should enjoy freedom, learn various cultures, travel, spend quality time, eat-learn-dance-laugh-play – together. Adults should become kids sometimes, and kids should be at times allowed to be our teachers. Friends are also important part of your family who plays a vital role in your life and expects equal respect.
- What is your favorite idea of holidaying?
Holiday is a time to relax and rejuvenate yourself, cut yourself from your usual routines and detoxify your body, mind and soul. I enjoy holidaying with my family and friends which help me spend some quality time and in turn growing a better connect with people who are utmost important to me. I am so proud of my nation which is so enriched with different cultures and provide us so much to learn. I spend my days learning about local cultures, their history, their stories, relish local food and enjoy learning new traditions, arts and crafts. Being a nature lover, I love to visit serene Himalayas and sometimes like to get lost in the cold breezy winds of beaches.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
This pageant – Mrs. India Queen of Substance is not only a platform to showcase my own self but also to spread the possibilities of what a woman can do. I would like to use this platform to expand its reach to many other married women in this country who still have so much potential in them but are not able to express themselves with mass. Women, who play many roles in their lives, sometimes forget their most important role of being themselves. I want to use this platform to give similar opportunities for other women out there.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The positivity - I believe in this modernized era of socialism and selfies, people have somewhat forgotten the act of being selfless. I believe that being positive towards every single thing around you can change the mental and physical health of each human and can create a culture and community to look upon. I think the schools and the parents should work on it to embrace this culture right from the childhood so that we can have a positive future moving forward.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
A pretty famous one by Andre Gide – It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. BE TRUE – BE YOU!
- What is true Sportsmanship for you?
Firstly, I would call it as “Sportspersonship†which seems to be relevant to me as a word. True Sportspersonship to me is being a true human first and then a competitor. We play to win, but we never win to be called as a loser.
- If you are selected as a Charity Ambassador what value addition would you like to make for our society and how?
If given a chance, with all my heart and soul I would proudly try to make our country a better place; specifically outreaching on the basic necessities for each and every person – which stands for food, health, hygiene and education. Being from a technical background I would utilize today’s digital space and power of internet to spread awareness around cleaner and greener environment to have a future-ready society. I look forward for running campaigns and associating myself with NGOs which work towards healthcare and education. Last but not the least – I would love to be the bring women empowerment to act for all the married women who have given up now on their lives. I would just do my best to keep spreading smiles. Big and Small dreams in my eyes, taking small steps I wish to partner with thoughtful people and communities in the world which stands for a purpose and work towards bringing a positive difference in the life of others and Mrs India Queen of Substance is one such wonderful platform.