Dr. Manisha Rojha
- A brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
I am a doctor by profession and that’s the big part of my personality and life in general. I am a caring, sensitive person who has got a taste for fashion and music. I am a resident of the beautiful city called Melbourne. Being a doctor, most of my time is occupied by work and work-related matter. With the remaining time, I pamper myself and my family; which includes my Husband and my 9 yr old son. For a person born and brought up in Delhi, attraction towards Bollywood comes naturally to me. I am a devout fan of many Indian Actresses, Madhuri being my favourite.
- Your achievements that make you feel high.
Professionally speaking, I think I have achieved what I wanted, by succeeding to become a trained Doctor. Seeing a patient through a difficult time, standing with them in their disease and despair; and making sure that I do my best to make situation as better as possible for them gives me a high. I feel good in doing these small things for them as I believe that small undertakings lead to the bigger path of glory and happiness.I felt particularly great when I was chosen to represent Australia in Mrs Indiaworldwide competition 2018.
- Define true beauty.
They say “beauty lies in the eyes of beholderâ€. That makes this whole beauty concept very fluid. What might be beautiful for one person may not be so appealing to the other one. But one thing that every person in this world likes and appreciate is a beautiful soul. So I endeavour to be a clean and kind hearted person, which would ensure that I am ‘beautiful’ for everyone. True beauty makes people around her happy and do her best to make things better for people in their sphere of life.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A family is a place where an individual grows to his/her capacity, with the love and understanding of the other members. A happy family is one where every person gets a chance and is supported to do things that one wishes to do. The family should provide a non-confronting and balanced environment for individual to achieve what they intend to. It should also be an institution where we learn discipline, care, devotion and selflessness. It should shine light in the path of those who are drifting away from reality.
- What is your favourite idea of holidaying?
A paradise island with lots of sun and sand is my ideal holiday destination. I love being in the lap of nature with no sound other than sounds of nature, flowing water, chirping birds and blowing wind. Sometimes, even staying back at home and nurturing plants in my little balcony garden; sipping away my tea gives me lots of happiness.
- Why are you participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
By participating in Mrs India, I will get a platform where I can fulfil my childhood desire of becoming a beauty queen. The flood lights of the ramp walk has always given me a high when I did some modelling during my student days. By participating here, I will bring to the front, the glamorous and social part of me , which I had intentionally left behind, while building up my career and my young family.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Crime against women is at all-time high in India at the moment. As a women, who has witnessed such atrocities against women, I wish the law-enforcing agencies act in the most strict and timely manner, so that the offenders take a lesson of life.
- The quote or saying that encourages you?
We are the masters of our own destiny. The title song of the film Aashayein has encouraged me a lot during my difficult times.
- What is true sportsmanship to you?
True sportsman is one who performs his best and strive for the top but at the same time is gracious in his loss and respects the opponents. He/she should draw positives from the defeat and make a genuine effort to convert his loss into victory.
- If you were selected as a charity ambassador, what value , addition you will make for our society and how?
If I were to be a charity ambassador, I would go out of my way to help kids from poor and under-privileged family, so that the fulfill their dreams and aspirations. My heart also goes out particularly for the girl children who are discriminated in the society.