Preeti Jauhar
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Myself Preeti Jauhar. I am Municipal Corporator from 2013. I have done M.B.A. I won 1998 beauty contest which was held in Saharanpur (U.P.). I am a very Socially inclined person. I believe in networking and connecting with people. I am loyal, adventurous supportive & surprising. As a woman, I standup for ourselves. I standup for each other & I standup for the justice for all. I am a mother, a daughter, a wife, a sister, I believe in myself and do unbelievable things. I am a women clothed in Dignity, Strength & Pride.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I won 1998 beauty contest which was held in Saharanpur (U.P.) and presently I am President of Mahilla Morcha of Twin City Yamuna Nagar-Jagadhri. It gives me immense knowlege & a very good understanding of my surrounding. That is what has helped me in my current role of a ward Municipal Councellor. I am full of sparkel & compassion. I genuinely want to make the world a better place. I love hard I practice kindness. I am not afraid of the truth. I wanted to make a better place for women & make women proud and strong.
- Define the true beauty.
According to me true beauty is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your moral duties/compass for your family and for the society. Beauty is all about the confidence, charisma & character. True beauty comes from inside. Real beauty is something that you define for yourself. Beauty must be influenced by our environmental surrounding society, peers, media, culture and experiences. Be yourself, Accept yourself, value yourself, forgive yourself, Bless yourself, express yourself, trust yourself, love yourself, empower yourself. Beauty begins the moment, when you decide to be yourself.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
For me happy & healthy family is that truly uplift each other whatever the situation will be. There must be a joy that characterizes their interaction. Happy family stay together, sharing a common joy & sorrow by strong connectivity For me family is a safest place of my life ever. It shows affection, proper communication, support & acceptance, unconditional love, faith and limit less respect for each other. Self guided motivations dont take you long. You lose your loved ones when you become way to self centered. I completely believe in 'Live and Let Live' philosophy.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favourite idea for holidaying would be backwaters in Kerala for the beauty and peace that is provides to the visitors. I believe nature can give you so much and everybody should be in touch with nature in someway or the other. We should move away from the concept of making it all concrete around us. I have been to couple of places in North including Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh and I believe they are outstanding and I would want go back again and again. If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.
- Why are you participating in Mrs India Queen of substance?
I have been participating in this because HEWA is an initiative, run by the Handicapped Children and women's Aid (HCWA). I am participated in this initiative as it was positioned as a social organisation that promotes community services for the underprivileged and focuses on women empowerment. The pagent which invited participation from married women, celebrates beauty talent, intelligence and compassion with women & substance (from all walks of life and from all parts of the country) by displaying their multiple talents. It is not the title that honoured someone. It is someone that honour the title.
- What bothers you about what is happening in our country today?
Our country is still a developing country because it is a male dominated country. Men (means half power of the country) are walking alone & they forced women to do household works. Men are not know how powerful Indian Women are. It is very necessary for all Indian men to understand the power of women & let them go ahead to make themselves independent & power of the family & country. 3 main challenges of women in leadership in Asia * Contraints of family life. * organizational policies * Practices that favour men over women & cultural Barriers.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Believe in yourself & you can do unbelievable things. Be strong enough to let go and wise enough to wait for what you deserves. Stand up, speak up show up for something. 1 Universe 9 Plannets 204 Countries 809 Islands 7 Seas & I had the Privilege of meeting you.
- What is true sportsmanship for you?
Sportsmanship for me is something that makes you disciplined. Thats what is important for the society in todays date. We have to encourage one another to take our dreams fulfill not everyone has to become a Doctor or an Engineer. Otherwise how get our future Sainas, Sindhus, Dhoni's, Mrs. Ritika Vinay etc. Its the mindset that has to change.
- If you were selected as the charity ambassador, what value addition would you like to make for our society and how?
If I were selected as a Charity Ambassador then I belive in networking and connecting with people. I would aim to get to the basics of the issues that the common mass is facing. I wanted to make a better place for women and rise the status of women that