Shaifali Dixit
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
The 3 words I feel describe me the best are Humble, Optimistic and Ambitious. I was the first girl in my entire family to break the shell and move out of my comfort environment to study outside and these traits really helped me a lot during this struggle. I am someone who wants to be judged by my individual performance and rewarded for my efforts. I value people’s contribution in my life. Not necessarily an all-time active person but a funny person I am and also Generous by nature as I take pleasure in sharing.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
You achieve things when you have a strong backbone. I can’t thank god enough for giving me a FATHER who never treated me like a liability. He gave me wings to fly and believed in me throughout. I was in 9th standard when I got an opportunity to participate in a Debate competition that was supposed to be held in Dhaka,Bangladesh. More than me,he was happy and that was my first achievement. I have also represented India in World parliament organized in Lucknow. Also I have received a scholarship in to study half of my MBA in Lyon, France. But the biggest achievement is my Father’s support and this has made me so strong today that no matter whatever situation comes, you’ll always find me smiling. But life is long so I believe my biggest achievement is yet to come.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is something that you define for yourself. Beautiful face is so common today; thanks to the fashion and beauty cosmetics but finding a beautiful heart is the real challenge. Don't forget that first impression is always the most expensive. People might get attracted towards you for your beauty when they meet you for the first time but if you have a beautiful soul, life will be much easier and happy. Your physical appearance will change over time but you do have a control of who you really are.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
I have always stayed in a Nuclear cum Joint family so I understand that having a Strong bonding and communication makes a complete, healthy and happy family. Happiness is a state of mind that can only be achieved when there is a proper flow of communication between the family members. Understanding the needs and emotions is very important to have a happy family and to build healthy relationship.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My idea of holidaying is “peace of mind†and “quality time†that I’ll be spending with my family. Be it a place full of people like Vegas or a silent and serene place like Maldives, I just believe in making memories with my people and these moments will also add on to the experiences in my life.
- Why are you participating in Mrs India Queen of substance?
Participating in a prestigious pageant like Mrs. India Queen of Substance has always been my wish. It will not only boost my confidence and also give an opportunity to be a motivation for all those married women who feel that marriage is the start of their life and kid is the end. Just want to make a new positive difference in my life and also people around me.
- What bothers you about what is happening in our country today?
Frankly speaking, Indian culture/mentality has always lived in extreme. Be it the Gender Inequality or Cast Inequality. Talking about Gender Inequality, there was a time in India when boys were given the top most priority. They were supposed to be the pride of a family. Later on we realized women are also equally important for the society and then we started giving more priority to women. Today every agenda, every government rule/law or for that matter every debate topic is focused towardsgirl’s education or girls security or how girls are leading boys in sports and education. But we forgot one thing here that we need both, men and women. More than gender equality, we are diverting this so called change in some other direction. We need to strike a balance, be it gender or cast.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
We all have grown up with this thought from GEETA that “ karm karo phal ki chinta mat karo†which means do what makes you happy without expecting or thinking about the consequences or results. We have no control on our future. But as they say, do good and the same will come back you.
- What is true sportsmanship for you?
Winning and losing is a part of the game. Winning is important but learning from your failure is also a true sportsmanship. Unless you have a worthy opponent, you will never get a chance to learn. So for me participating, learning and improvising is true sportsmanship. It’s not about criticizing the person who didn’t win but about supporting and appreciating the hard work. It’s all about self-control.
- If you were selected as the charity ambassador, what value addition would you like to make for our society and how?
Though I am in favor of gender equality as I have already mentioned above, I would be honored to support the oppressed women and men in the Indian society who need help if I was selected as a charity ambassador of our society. These can be seen in the neo-colonial world where women are categorized as second class and at times even underclass. Similarly, when a guy wants to take up arts and crafts or humanitiesor psych., he is “being a girl†but when a girl takes up engineering. Or something then nobody turns a head. I have supported CRY Organization that stands for Child Rights and You. I supported them for children education of rural areas where we were focusing on the education of both the sexes so that we can spread the awareness as much as we can and also teach them that no one is inferior or superior amongst them and that’s what we have to spread in the whole world. I don't want to help these people temporarily but want to enable them to help themselves so that they can help others.