- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
A very confident soul who believes in herself, brutally honest & hardworking. I am humble by nature, aggressive by passion and a socially active person who appreciates humor. Very easy to talk to, a good mix in the group and a worthy listener. I cognize people and make friends very easily. Rather carefree and positive I like to live on my own terms, forgetful at times and mostly generous. Totally in awe of myself l cherish the time spent alone.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
My biggest achievement is my sustenance, been born and bought up from small town like Shimla I could make up for this day today. Each and every day comes with a new challenge and overcoming that challenge is my achievement.
- Describe the true Beauty?
True beauty is being genuinely yourself and all the time. Your make up is your values and attitude that you carry with a smile. Your goodness of actions and deeds reflects your true beauty. Nothing is more beautiful than your own self and endorsing the true you is your true beauty.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
I am somewhere in the mix, sometimes a giver and sometimes a taker. Unhealthy patterns of giving and taking can lead to codependency or passive aggressive behavior hence its important to strike that balance.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My idea of holidaying is total relaxation with people that make you smile (family/ friends) in a place which gives you enough opportunity to get closer to nature, is serene and offers tranquility. When I am holidaying I like to experience new culture, new cuisine and new streets. In my perfect place of holiday you can let you hair down and spend the day the way you want. Its fearless of an itinerary and heads on to the day with the mood irrespective of the place. So be it be sandy beeches, snow capped mountains with chilly winds, adventure of forests or buzz of the city my idea of perfect holiday is complete if I come back recharged to face of life heads on.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
I am participating in the Mrs. India Queen of Substance because I personally feel the platform is respectable and recognized. It gives me an opportunity to look forward for something new and exciting to enhance my learning and contribute of my own development. My participation shall provide me plethora of opportunities to contribute my bit to the society. I also believe my attitude towards life, personality and convincing aura is an edge above making me women of substance.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
Given a chance to live again I would still chose to do all similar things and take same decisions, make same choices and same mistakes as I did as considering that is the foundation of that I am today. I had my fair shares of joys and sorrows and life has been good. Taking pride in being myself I will live again with same paasion as I have done till now.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
‘Live the life you love, Love the life you live’!! I totally practice it and have this quote tattooed too. Only for the reason as I believe if you effort in living the way you want you will love it and when you will love the live you will happy, contented and contribute your best. You will have lesser things to regret and more to appreciate and be thankful for.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having.
Life is beyond how you look, let’s all contribute to make a place where we can happily co-exist without being biased to how people look. We should promote acceptance of individuals and value the individual talents they have. By being biased we are just killing one good thought, one talent one competence that anyone has. High time we stop and make a difference. Let’s be a change we all expect other to be as no beauty can replace a beautiful heart.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
If I was selected as a Charity Ambassador I would want to do the following things as my bit to the society Work on having greener, cleaner world for better existence Education for all – education that can help you not only to read, write and speak but sustain yourself Empowerment of women – as one empowered women will not only make a difference to herself but to entire family and society Giving back to the society is crucial in order to ensure we are forming a society which we are proud to be a part of. Giving back is an act of responsiveness which each individual should willingly acknowledge. Plant a flower and not water it will kill the flower, similarly neglect the society and hamper the essence of being human.