- Brief About Yourself
I am Veena Gupta. I am a first generation entrepreneur with more than 1 decades of experience in the field of Security , safety and Risk Management Services – My Venture Brand)name is Seam Group. My core expertise are in women safety and self defence for men and women and I specialize in Executive protection services for expats Have a global JV partners in the US and Hongkong. I m Post-Graduate in Hotel Management and Certified Krav Maga instructor, I have carved a niche for myself in the security industry, and I am constantly achieving new milestones with every endeavor. Now I am also the founder President of a NGO called WESS (Women Empowerment Safety & Security Foundation) which works towards empowerment and up-lift-ment of Women & Children. WESS conducts various workshops on the women security and harassment related subjects and issues. Wess vision is to build a safe, secure and empowered society, free of gender discrimination, uphold high values and respect for all fellow citizens Presently, I am actively involved in providing risk management and protection services to my esteemed clients. I also impart training sessions and organize camps on varied topics, ranging from fire safety, to emergency procedures, road safety, women safety, soft skills, and many more. The Personal Sneak Peek Apart from a thorough professional, I remain a compassionate woman and a caring mother to a daughter. My innate qualities of compassion and integrity are widely evident in all my activities. During the initial years, I faced quite some challenges, but these only refreshed my passion towards accomplishing my mission. I am a highly versatile individual carrying an unerring level of determination. I love to be known as “Limitless Veenaâ€. Known For Bestowed with the title of ‘Lady Bodyguard,’ as professionally and Veena Gupta is a pre-eminent name in the security services domain. She is also famous for her groundbreaking work and initiatives undertaken for self-defense & empowerment of women. And women and personal safety expert
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
Being coming from a conservative middle class family with six siblings – and studies in Hindi medium school. yet I achieved all my own and people say wow – they just cannot believe that I m a self made person as they never noticed my errors than noticed only my confidence , intellectual while doing the interaction and conversation ! ! A, - one of my article when: I read in times of India- was a surprise for me on 8th March on women International day_ with the tile - Parity begins at home And another one- tile- meets the lady body “she can make you feel as safe as a male bodyguard: her sole purpose is to protect men as well as women in the society: b- VERY impressive article published in the society Magazine 2013: with the tile the Lady body Guard:†this magazine does cover only celebrities c -when My work Recommendation had been given by the commissioner of police to various authorities and corporate – when they say your reference we got from commissioner of police r and another D- Achievements when My daughter says to her friends and in her all various Interviews which at present she had been giving for her admissions in colleagues for further studies that: my mom is my icon and pride and role model and I want to be like her!!! When she calls me and says I m proud of u maa, e- And last but not least when my parents name taken as they are veena gupta’ mother and father, I think I do that is the Achievements and when people use my name as signature when it comes to women safety
- Define the true beauty
For me beauty is you inner strength and intelligence, self confidence and motivation and is a grounded person even when u touching the sky. As we say beauty is in the eye of the be holder.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
As I felt since my child hood that there is something in me, my stubbornness made me a fearless person and it encouraged me to do something difference than others. My carefree attitude and bold aura & skyrocketing confidence radiate and create an impact on my colleagues, friends, and society and business associates . That was the reason I guess I grabbed the opportunity and had entered in to male domination profession as Security and safety services. I feel that Empowering young generation and women in their own safety being makes me different from others. Also I, believe there is nothing like only men Can Protect people, we women can also do the same. We are capable enough to protect ourselves, our family and society. And this unique thought process makes me women of substance as I feel limitless power in me as women who does not want to stop: I teach – women I dare to fight for our own right and I correct Mothers to change the upbringing of son and teach gender equality as that is the only w ay stopping crime against women.
- Define the true beauty
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Be The Change u want to see in the world- Mahatma Gandhi
- How you will contribute towards the not so fortunate children & women of our society.
As Apart from security NGO and business my interest is to open and run a world class training centre for women and underprivileged children; towards their growth, self esteem and empowerment. I would like to give the those special skilled trainings so that they can make that as their lively hood option- As one of the workshop I did was for as deaf and dumb girls –in Gurgaon , was amazing experience how to interact with them in their actions and silence language