- Brief About Yourself
I am Milly Banerjee, born & brought up in Lucknow, after completing 8th standard I shifted to delhi permanently & from then there is no looking back. Being a woman I have many responsibities& I can say that I have that potential to maintain the equilibrium between my personal & professional life. I always try give my best whatever I do. I have been working from past 14-15 year but could not get any chance to prove myself or could not follow my dreams because of circumstances. I kept on doing things whatever came in my way now days working with a fashion magazine got to learn many things got chance to be a part of organization which is associated with good cause (breast cancer foundation) .
- Your achievements that make you feel high.
You must have heard that every successful man there is woman behind him but I can proudly say that in life my husband is the only person on this world who always supported me whether it is domestic issues,or my professional front or anything. Today where I am or whatever I am because him. I have a 7 years only son who’s always been a strength for me to go out of home continuing my job. He has never been cranky or never made me emotionally weak to leave him behind . I was able to participate in Mrs. Home Maker 2012 as my husband secretly filled my entry form & pushed me to step ahead towards my dreams.And now at the age of 34 I am here again become a particaipant of Prestigious pageant of Mrs India Queen Of substance.
- Define the true beauty.
For me beauty is way to see things, if you are beautiful within you can beautify things around you which makes you happy. Beauty is about enhancing what you have.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
Being a married woman am loaded with responsibilities towards family It has been my dream since long to do something big and different,but I nevergot a chance to follow my dreams or explore myself. There must be something in me which makes me little different from other & I want to make myself different from other want prove myself & this opportunity as this is the platform for which I was looking for ,as a fashion follower I like to keep myself fit presentable & trendy which helps me connect with people around me & hope that MIQS will give me that platform & environment to achieve my goals in life .Being a daughter, daughter- in –law,wife and a mother of One children I have moved on and on along with many responsibilities to be fulfilled. I believe we have only one life and we should do everything in this life.No doubt,winning the Crown of MIQS would help me do a lot good to carry my assignments towards Woman Empowerment within the society and would definitely bring Proud to my family and society as a whole.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
Being Woman is the Best thing I would want to live again. I believe that being a woman you are full and you have the power to be a mother, which non other human has.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Life is too Short, live it to the fullest.
- How you will contribute towards the not so fortunate children & women of our society.
I believe that it’s the vision of a person that matters the most. I am a firm believer that each Child and each woman in this country has a right to Education and to be Independent. If Iam crowned as a winner of MIQS , I would definitely like to take it forward to the next level so that I can make that little contribution towards the society. After all if everyone start to do a little effort, we can have a better society for our future generations.