- Brief About Yourself
Brief about yourself: I am a fun loving ,happy go lucky person who believes in working hard as well as living each moment to the fullest; as each one has a short span of time allocated to try and make the most of it. I am also a family oriented person who values my folks above anything else in the world. Have always strived hard to achieve things and success in all my endevaours with a penchant for learning and developing myself.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
Have been a gold medalist throughout and created a record in my post graduation. Have stood firm and sturdy along side my better half ,when we started our own venture. This gives me great pride as both of us are first generation business people.
- Define the true beauty
My definition of true beauty is not only being beautiful in appearance but also being beautiful from inside. This means loving yourself and also being compassionate ,caring ,loving , concerened about other, being kind , and having beautiful thoughts and putting them into actions. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they must be felt with the heart
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
I feel I am a modern women of substance who balances family and work to the best of my capabilities, would justify the title and also relive my dream of participating in a beauty pageant. I am a beauty with brains who has a bend towards fashion but was unable to do so in my younger days. This would also make me feel younger and take me down memory lane.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
God has been very kind to me, so if I was given a chance to live again I would ask him for the same life as it has been a very contented journey so far. The pastures are always greener on the other side is only a perception but if you try and mould your life the way you want it to be you are not only a happy person but also are able to give your fullest.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Live life to the fullest!!Take sometime to laugh, it’s the music of the soulJ This quote has always inspired me as if you are happy and smiling ,even during difficult times :you are able to sail through without much difficulty .And giving your best gives you utmost satisfaction.
- How you will contribute towards the not so fortunate children & women of our society.
I have been associated with INNERWHEEL Club which is a sister concern of Rotary for a while .Here have been associated with many projects wherein we have started a stitching center for the not so fortunate women of society .Here we teach them how to become self sufficient and financially sound by having a livelihood of their own.Not only do we teach them stitching but also educate them about personal hygiene, health ,take cookery classes and teach their children .WE also talk to their men folk and educate them so that they start respecting and teaching their women and girls well. Have also adopted the second girl child of each of my staff and pay for their school fees and clothes ,so that they get an opportunity. Speak to them on a regular basis educating them on the weekends . Would also go to the villages and organize vocational training so that the children and women are financially dependent. Also tell them the significance of being literate by trying to set up evening schools .