Yashashvi Bhardwaj
- A brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
My name is Yashashvi that completely describes me. I am a dedicated person with full of thoughts. I am a perfectionist if I do anything I do it with full efforts and perfection. Hardwork and intelligence together can take a person to success and that is what I am.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
My Achievements were completing my studies with being in the top 5, raising my daughter with good behaviour, sanskar that I am putting in her is the biggest challenge. After facing a lot of criticism in life, I am here selected as a finalist in Mrs. India Queen of Substance is the biggest achievement until now.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is your inside beauty. If you are happy inside that will reflect outside. It will radiate positive energy and will make you glow with full of happiness.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A family that is full of giving and receiving, helping each other in hard times and good times, taking care of each other. Involving theirselves as a part of everything whether for the kids, household etc. is the complete, healthy and happy family.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
I am a family person so favourite idea of holidaying is where my daughter is happy to go whether it is mountains, abroad or plains. Seeing her happy makes my holiday perfect.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I am participating in Mrs. India QS to achieve my own identity, something that is left deep inside me. I wanted to show each and every women out there to be independent, work on yourself, believe in yourself.And yes I wanted to be a role model for my daughter.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Women’s security bothers me a lot, the inequality that is accompanying women throughout the life from the day she is born. And that can be changed if both men and women work on that. Together we can make a change and through this pageant I really want to do something for women empowerment.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
‘Beti bacho,beti padhao’. This quote has a place deep inside my heart. I am girl of a man who never supported patriarchy system. He always supported equality and that sanskar is what I have inherited.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
True sportsmanship for me is honesty. This behaviour will never ever let you defeat. You will always win with honesty. An honest person will always win may be late but for sure and a untrue person will definitely lose for his doings.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
I would really love to do work as a charity ambassador because I believe we are here on the earth to do something for our loved ones and others as much as you can. God has send us for some reason, there is a reason behind every birth. If you give to others, God will give you to the fullest. I would encourage society to empower women by funding for their education. If a women is educated, the family is educated and more is the gap reduced in the inequality raised by illiteracy.