Mona Kharbanda
- A brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and persona.
I am a pure soul with a heart of gold and a strong mind. I am a warrior with unstoppable, never-die- spirit. Years ago, I was diagnosed with thyroid and I responded to that diagnosis by taking charge of my health and lifestyle. Over the years, I have achieved mastery over health. This gives me new-found immense confidence and a belief in myself that I can achieve anything in the world with the power of conviction. Hailing from a cultured family with highly disciplined parents, I have a degree in NPTT (Nursery Primary Teacher Training) and Fashion Designing. And thus, I balance creativity and logic in all operations of my life. I am truly fortunate to have a wonderful, understanding husband and brilliant, obedient son. I am blessed with innate powers to convert my weaknesses into strengths and challenges into accomplishments. The mission of my life is to stay healthy and inculcate awareness amongst the masses to stay fit and healthy holistically.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Ten years back, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid. I had terrible symptoms like palpitations, irregular heartbeat, bulging eyes, disturbed hormones amongst many others. Doctors' belief is that this disease is irreversible; and that only 2% of suffering patients can stop taking medications in their lifetime. I took my disease as a challenge; and started reforming my lifestyle. I aligned myself with my new-found love, that is fitness, gymming and healthy eating habits. With sheer determination to win over my disease, I am now a healthy individual who is off-medications. Today I am an Affiliate (Brand Ambassador and Representative) for a Healthcare and Fitness Supplement Company. This makes me feel extremely proud; and gives me infinite inspiration to go ahead conquer all my dreams.
- Define the true beauty.
True Beauty emanates from Holism, that is through Union of Inner Beauty/Persona and Outer Beauty/Personality. Holistic beauty is not just skin-deep; and is much more than that is visible on the outside. It is a combination of well-groomed personality with innate values like unconditional love, kindness, authenticity, resilience and much more. A person radiates true beauty when one stays true to one's core-self; and embrace one's imperfections. It is the light we bring to the world through our actions; the strength we show in tough times; and the joy we share with others. It is about being the best version of ourselves; and more significantly, lifting those around us. I myself strive to this ideal; and value these virtues more than just physical beauty.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
The foundation of a healthy, happy family is unconditional love, sharing - caring, mutual respect; and full hearty support for one another in both congenial and challenging times. Creating a safe space for each family member to grow into their unique personality and individuality, without judgment or control; fosters a sense of freedom and belongingness. Even in the midst of busy schedules, creating Me-time and Family- Quality Time like having a meal together; watching TV together; asking everyone about their day; in my opinion, are heart-connecting practices. Cultivating cultural values; and practising healthy lifestyle creates a positive ambience for a healthy and happy family.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My idea of holidaying involves actually disconnecting with daily stress of life; tapping deep sense of joy and peace within; and causing free mind space for one's own self. Holidaying at Nature's places with beautiful landscapes provides the perfect escape from the hustle of the daily life; and allows one to reconnect with oneself. Holidays can also be a great way of taking a break from everyday life; and exploring new cultures and cuisines. Holidaying is spending quality time with loved ones; enjoying simple pleasures like morning walks, shared meals, and sunset views. These shared moments bring us closer. My last holiday was at Maldives with my husband on our twentieth Marriage Anniversary. I thoroughly loved the natural landscapes that awakened me with an innate sense of peace.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I am participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance in order to embrace a new chapter of growth, empowerment and self-discovery. As a home-maker who has dedicated much of life to family and home, I see this platform as a unique opportunity to reconnect with my dreams, share my story; and inspire others to pursue their aspirations— irrespective of their age or life circumstances. Mrs. India Queen of Substance will give me a grand opportunity to re-structure, re-engineer, re-design and re-present my personality so that I can present the best version of myself. It will give me the strong stature I need so that I can powerfully stand for the social causes that are close to my heart. Mrs Queen of Substance will align me with the TRUE SUBSTANCE (Fibre) OF LIFE ..the Ultimate Mission of my life.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
What bothers me the most about the country today is the gross indifference of few National leaders, bureaucracy and citizens towards critical, macro national problems. Lack of education, high unemployment rates; and gender inequality with limited financial independence among women continue to persist. I also worry about the over-digitalization of today’s youth, that seems to be diminishing emotional connection and core values. I also believe that issues that require urgent attention are lack of accessible healthcare; ongoing impacts of global warming; and persistent threats from terrorism, conflict and wars disturbing national security.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
The quote, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them,” by Walt Disney resonates deeply with me. Every Dreamer is an Achiever; only if the dreams are seen with open eyes. Dreamers that dream with their eyes open can see possibilities, they will create a way forward, and envision the fulfilment that they hope for. It is a process; and not something that happens overnight. It is a powerful reminder that dreams are not just fantasies; they are achievable goals waiting for us to take action. Many of us have dreams, but it takes sheer courage to chase them; grit and conviction to face challenges and setbacks; and single-mindedly execute SMART (Systematic Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-bound) Actionable Plans. To me, this quote is a call to push beyond comfort zones, embrace risks; remain resilient; and break the glass ceiling. It reminds me that courage does not mean being fearless; it means moving forward despite fears. This mindset has encouraged me to hold onto my dreams with conviction, knowing that each step, however small, brings me closer to making dreams a reality.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
True sportsmanship inculcates the spirit of self-discipline, hard work, invincible spirit, integrity and respect in all aspects of competition. Fair play means playing by the rules; and respecting our opponents. Winning and losing are natural expressions of any game. What truly matters is the effort we put forward, regardless of the outcome. This means showing graciousness in victory and humility in defeat; thereby recognising that our opponents are not our enemies. True sportsmanship encourages us to celebrate each other’s achievements; and to learn and grow from our experiences.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
Charity begins at home. Today’s generation is becoming so fast that it is losing out on its cultured values for respecting old age parents. Lack of care, concern and misery that old age parents are put through by their indifferent, careless children .... really hurts the core of my heart. I want to be the Charity Ambassador for Old Age Homes where I can serve with unconditional love, care, support and health-care facilities for deserted parents. I genuinely want to bring out awareness amongst children so that they stop indulging in such ruthless behaviour. We have to stand unconditionally for our parents with profound Thanksgivings, Gratitude and Acknowledgements. What our parents have done for us by giving us life; and nurturing us with their sacrifices ...cannot be repaid back in any which way. Our parents are our utmost responsibility.