Mugdha Chavan
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a calm and composed person. I am sensitive towards surrounding. I have a lot of patience and creativity and because of these qualities I am an architect and practising in Pune. Since Pune is a cultural hub, I also have deep respect for classical art forms, literature, cultural heritage. I am a Kathak dancer and pursuing further studies in Kathak. I am a positive and high spirited person, and my family and friends love me being around them. My childhood was beautiful but since I was a very shy person I could explore less opportunities. I later developed myself, and I am still grooming myself to see the better version of me.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
The journey from an ignored and less confident child in school to the conspicuous or remarkable personality which I developed from life lessons and under guidance of my family and mentors makes me feel high. Also, I got the admission to architecture through scholarship, otherwise the fees were too high to afford and this boosted my confidence to next level and today I am an practising Architect and happy with my work.
- Define the true beauty.
The true beauty lies in a beautiful and truthful soul. A happy, healthy and compassionate person looks the most beautiful irrespective of age. The nature is the best example of beauty. It is a continuous process of developing yourself for betterment of your physical as well as mental health.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Sharing and caring is the key to a complete, healthy and happy family. The family who spends at least half an hour of quality time with each other and understands emotional needs of the family members and try to fulfil them, is the ideal family, such family is a strong support system of any individual giving him or her the confidence to keep moving and achieve their dreams.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My idea of holidaying ranges from fun and frolic activities to sitting quietly in tranquil places and have peaceful self time. Basically holiday is the activity which allows you to take a break from daily routine and take you away from your usual space to a different zone so that your mind is refreshed. So holidaying is an essential part of my yearly calendar.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I am participating in Mrs India Queen of substance as it will give me the opportunity to groom myself into more confident, graceful, elegant person. Also it is an opportunity to become a role model for married woman and enhance new strength, energy and spirit, positively impacting them. Mrs India, beauty of substances is a dignified pageant which pageant coaches also can vouch for. it also provides opportunity to represent India on international platforms.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Today we are a developing country and soon will become a developed country and each one of us has so much to do for betterment of the society and universe but people don’t understand this capacity of them and waste their time in mere conflicts like casteism and fights relating to religion. also the benefits given on the basis of caste in education field is unfair for hard working and intelligent students, it shall be given only on the basis of economical condition.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“Where there is a will there is a way” This saying encourages me a lot, believing in this makes me more determined and focused. If someone has the desire and determination to do something, he or she can find a method for accomplishing it. This quote motivates me to do hard work and believe in my willpower.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
Sportsmanship is a fair play. I believe in “May the best one Win” approach in life. whether it’s a sports championship, some contest or any sort of competition, though the ultimate goal is to win but the act of participation itself has a great value to it . Respecting everyone In the process whether it’s your coach, participants, players, organisers or jury is essential. Winning or losing gracefully is a sportsmanship attitude.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
Today’s world is facing major climate change and global warming issue which needs to be addressed with immediate effect. Me advocacy would be minimising carbon footprint. Being an architect and having done masters degree in sustainable architecture, I am doing a sustainable practice in construction as far as possible. But at individual level also it is possible to reduce carbon footprint which in turn can reduce global warming effect. I would like to educate common people about reducing carbon footprint by following 3R’s Ruduce, Reuse and Recycle, through awareness programs. I will choose my fashion wisely and would like to promote sustainable clothing.