Kanika Dahiya
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am Kanika, an IIM Calcutta graduate by qualification, a corporate trainer by passion for last 15 years & a full time mom of 2 most mysterious yet lovable kids. If I have to describe my personality Kanika in Sanskrit means Atom. A soldier of God, sacred & loved, shining in devotion to others, humane yet strong & dedicated to cause, doing what it takes to win & win fairly. Excelling in work & play, loving the feeling of pushing mind & body, capable of accomplishing a strenuous task while keeping a positive attitude.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I thank Almighty as live in a world that brings me immense joy & a sense of achievement each passing day. Every day brings forward an opportunity to accomplish new tasks. I no longer wait for the bigger events to be called as achievements, if I am able to bring a positive change in someone’s life with my little contribution, it is an achievement. Be it supporting the kids in their developmental years, standing by my better half in difficult times & responding with grace to those who attempt to undermine you is an achievement. So, rather than counting materialistic achievements, I count the number of smiles I bring to people’s face with my presence.
- Define the true beauty.
‘Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder’. A beautiful heart has the capability to envisage the beauty in the world True beauty surpasses the boundaries of superficial aesthetics, sculpted body or color of skin. It comprises of compassion, empathy & kindness towards oneself & others. While physical appearance can enhance a person’s beauty, it is temporary & fades away over time. True beauty, on the contrary, is timeless & everlasting & radiates from within.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A complete, healthy & happy family is nurtured with trust, compatibility, respect & an open dialogue between everyone. A strong communication helps family to build a strong bond & resolve conflicts constructively. Spending quality time together fosters closeness & connection. It’s important to create space in busy schedules to prioritize family time. In a family its important to support the ambitions of each other despite difference of opinions to create a foundation of self-esteem, encouragement & optimism. Everyone’s unique role & talents are valued & acknowledged.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Settling for just one idea of holidaying is very difficult for me. I love beach holidays, relaxing on the beach, soaking up the sun & feeling the ocean waves on the feet is a great idea to unwind. At the same time, I love adventure, love to explore activities like camping, paragliding, river rafting etc. to bring out the thrill & excitement. Also, I like to explore different cultures, explore history & taste different cuisines. In a nutshell, my favorite idea of holidaying is to connect more with myself to unveil different shades of my personality.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I believe in the saying that ‘Life is very short & you have got only one life so live life QUEEN size.’ I want to fill up my life with a lot of experiences so that when I look back after many years there are no regrets for not trying something. We are all unique & therefore competition is not external, it’s with our own self. Participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance will help me to transform into a better version of myself because it’s not about the D-day, it’s about the journey I live through for the D-day which pushes my physical & emotional limits & reengineers me into a better self.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
As we are advancing in technology, cybercrime is also advancing day by day. We live in a digital world with a long list of social media friends than real life friends. Caution needs to be exercised as not everyone is associating with you for a good intent. Offences like child pornography & harassment to anyone has increased manifold. Dealing, circulating & posting obscene material is among the foremost cybercrime known today. Cybercrime threatens to undermine the development of youth generation leaving irreparable scars to younger generation if not controlled.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
‘Don’t settle for mediocrity’. This quote encourages me to strive for excellence in all arenas of life. Don’t settle for average or do the bare minimum to get by. Instead, push the boundaries, raise the benchmark & follow your passion. Its only when you push yourself beyond your comfort zone, you can unleash your true potential & live a life with purpose & meaning.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
True sportsmanship means exhibiting qualities like respect, fairness, integrity & self-control towards opponent & team-mates. A good sportsman accepts victory graciously & deals with defeat with dignity by learning from the game without blaming others or making excuses. True sportsmanship means giving your best shot & also at the same time applauding the praiseworthy move of your opponent.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I would be given a chance to be a Charity ambassador, I would like to work upon the Skilled education for generating more employment opportunities for the mass. Rather than studying all the subjects, students focus on their niche to bring exceptional skills on the table to bring value addition to the business world & there must be a practical training embedded in the course to understand the field challenges & have faster adaptability.