Deeksha Sood
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am 32 year old, proud mother of a year old notorious yet adorable twins. I belong to “land of lords” Himachal Pradesh, brought up in Punjab. I have done my graduation and post graduation in Computer Applications from Panjab University. Currently, working as a Consultant with Globallogic India Pvt Ltd, having 10 years of experience as a Software engineer. 6 years ago, I turned from Miss to Mrs. I am married to extremely loving and caring husband. Like beautiful pottery is made by putting the raw clay objects in a high heated kiln, I have turned out to be a strong, positive, compassionate human being by all the struggle, pain and complications of life.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Firstly, being able to fulfill all my responsibilities with full dedication towards my family being a mother, wife, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter, sister makes me feel really high. Professionally, putting in best effort with full dedication and all the positivity towards my work has led me to grow vertically in every aspect of my professional journey , resulting in me being a confident, independent individual. Apart from this, following my passion of playing badminton, has given me a chance to win Women’s Badminton in Annual Sports Day of my organization and represent Gurgaon branch in Champion’s League of my organization and making the team proud by bagging 1st Runners Up title there.
- Define the true beauty.
Outer beauty will fade away with time, but inner beauty is for lifetime. Beauty according to me is the beauty of the soul. If you are able to feel the suffering/pain/problems of others and put any kind of effort to make them feel even a little bit better in any possible way, if you respect elders and love kids, you are beautiful.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Respect for elders, love for kids and understanding amongst all members of the family makes a family complete in every aspect. Family is not just a blood bonds but also friends who stick together through thick and thin are also an integral part of family.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
Taking a break from your daily routine, doing whatever you really like or just sitting back and relax is what holidaying means to me.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I got title of “Mrs” after my marriage to a wonderful human being, my husband. Along with this new relation came along few more relations such as being a daughter-in-law, sister-in-law and an year back a mother. During the span of 6 years, despite of all highs and lows and all hardships coming along my way, I have been able to fulfill my responsibility towards each relation with full devotion and dedication. Despite of being a working woman, I have always been able to strike a balance between my professional and personal life. I am traditional yet independent, positive, open-minded, ambitious person. Hence a perfect fit for this title “Mrs. India”.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Mindset of people based on religion which is creating a rift between different sections of our society is the most disturbing thing for me.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“Yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win or lose” Let bygones be bygones but always take the learning from past and put in your best effort in every task you do in present and plan to do in future.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
Sportsmanship refers to the attribute of a sportsperson to be fair, supportive, respectful, ethical, play with integrity towards the game and teammates. Though the term “Sportsmanship” suggests that these beautiful traits are to be borne by sportsperson during the game but I think it should not be just limited to games and should be practiced in day to day life by everybody.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
I have faced several different challenges and hardships since my teenage, yet I have survived and turned out to be a human who is compassionate, empathetic, kind and honest. I very well relate to and understand the conditions of several different under-privileged sections of our society. Since, I lost my father at a very early age and mother recently. I know the void in the lives of children without parents be it any age. My mother had multiple severe medical issues because of which she was bedridden and dependent for last few years of her life, so I understand the pain of old age people who are dependent and physically challenged. At some point of life, I have been at their place so I totally understand their needs be it mental or financial , I would try and leave no stone unturned in doing the best that I can for our society. I think my personal experiences are the biggest value-add.