- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am Mrs. Pamela Pal Das from the city of Joy(Kolkata). I am a proud mother of two daughters, 17 and 11 years of age, and a blessed wife of ever supportive husband. I completed my M-phill in Environmental Geography. I have also done B Music in Bharatnatyam. By profession, I am a higher Secondary Govt. school teacher but my work doesn't get over here. Presently I am occupied with following: 1) I am a founder member of an NGO(Dew Foundation), where we extend our hands for emotional and judicial help to the kids coming from disturbed areas of the society . 2) I am a member of Govt. "Environmental protection committee" in my Municipal area. 3) I am a joint director of "Parampara Academy", solely promoting indian classical dance and music. The essence of my personality lies in my femininity, motherhood and soft emotions. I am a good listener and a good communicator, always eager to make people feel the positive sides of the world and make them believe in positive energy cycles of the universe.
- You’re Achievements that makes you feel high.
I feel very happy on seeing my students motivated and guided by me. Despite coming from families with disturbed backgrounds they have overcome problems like physical abusing, drug addiction, etc. and achieved academic merits. I felt proud when my daughter represented as a captain of West Bengal basket ball team after long years of dedication and hard labour. It was a journey we travelled together balancing her academics and sports parallel. As a working mom, it was quite challenging to keep my child physically and emotionally fit for national level sports arena.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty lies in the purity of the soul within. For me, Being beautiful is about being loving and compassionate to every person in my life. A beautiful person should always have a positive aura where everybody could connect themselves emotionally and spiritually. Can share their problems where a beautiful mind can guide them in a positive direction.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Assurance of safety, security and belongingness is the key factors for healthy and happy family. In today's stressful life, regular proper exercise and healthy diet maintains the physical health. A family which addresses and nurtures the emotions of its members and maintains a disciplined life(external and internal) by treading the path of moral guidance is a complete and healthy family. A complete and healthy family is inherently happy.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
Holidaying is a break from the monotony of life. I want to utilize this break to maximize my proximity to nature. kids having an eposure to true countryside life, getting a pulse of simplicity of rural life even in hardships. I prefer absolute absense of any sort of electronic gadgets in the trip so that my family can distinguish between human value based civilization and technology based civilization. It would be a perfect holidaying if after the trip we get the feel of how small a part we human beings are in the entire universe and how our consciousness are connected with universal consciousness, as enshrined in our Vedic philosophy.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
Apart from being a teacher by profession, I am a mother of two, and i do all household chores. I wish that my participation in this contest would inspire my students to build up self confidence. Beauty queens are normal human beings like their mother and sisters. You don't have to be fairy like beauty and princess like lifestyle to achieve this platform, apart from being actively associated with an educational and social NGO(Dew Foundation ) located at kolkata. From a personal viewpoint, I wish to pay back to our society as much possible more by using this platform of this contest in a bigger and effective way. My aspirations to work for the less privileged people globally can become a reality through this platform.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
According to me "Female foeticide" is the worst thing happening even today in this country. Its no less than a murder, and can't be justified in whatsoever ways. Though situations have relatively improved over the years slightly, but this mind frame of society is an essential evil, as it generates numerous social evils as follows: 1) It enhances atrocities on women including rape. 2) It puts in danger human ecological balance thereby disrupting the male female ratio.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
"Love and kindness are never wasted, they always make the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver". The cure for all ills in this world is love and kindness. Great philosophers of all time have emphasized that the social ills can best be cured, and further prevented, by the message of love towards everybody. Life is but, spiritually and biologically, a product of love. For love to be universal, an individual should first practice to love oneself, and then spread that experience.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
True sportsmanship is being honest and resilient in accepting defeat, and being humble in victory. Life is full of ups and downs, proper training of the mind is essential to accept whatever comes the way, and plan the future accordingly.Level of maturity of a person is gauged through the failure he/she has encountered in his/her life. As the saying goes, "Failures are pillar of success", one must face the failures in life to realize/enjoy the flavors of success. The training of the mind, as envisaged in our traditional Indian system, is by far the best way to deal every aspect of life. The messages of the Upanishads and Gita, are the most practical way of dealing with the drudgery we face everyday, and the whole world is gradually looking upto this philosophy.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
The foremost value which our country and the world in general needs today, is infusion of a spirit of patriotism and national integration. The societal ills which we encounter daily are but a lack of morality and spirituality, combined. Yoga, the ancient Indian wisdom, promotes the attainment of inner well-being through the practice of meditation and yogic contemplations. Modern science has proven beyond doubt that consciousness is the gateway to truth, and hardly any school of thought addresses the concept of consciousness than the Vedic philosophy, which were corroborated by none other than the celebrated scientists worldwide.