- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am Dr. Aditi Gothi serving as doctor and faculty in medical college of beautiful tribal district Dungarpur of Rajasthan. I am public health specialist and did my MBBS and MD from renowned SMS medical college of Jaipur. I am proud mom of 2beautiful daughters studying in 1st and 2nd MBBS and a young 4 year old handsome naughty son and wife of dedicated noble Paediatrician serving as Associate professor in same college. Also proud to be daughter of doctor parents and grand-daughter of freedom fighter. Overall we are 20 doctors in family working as warriors. I describe myself as determined, disciplined, courageous, confident, kind hearted, transparent and compassionate human being who is proud of her nation and job, animal and nature lover. I am passionate about fashion, photo shoot, music, sports, reading, learning new things and making adventurous friends.
- You’re Achievements that makes you feel high.
I have achieved everything I thought of. In childhood thought of topper so got distinctions in 10th, 11th and 12th. In school thought of becoming doctor so got selected in medical college in first attempt. Later thought of doing post graduation in a subject by which I can interact and touch whole globe. So I got public health as my subject of post graduation. I had always been heart of teachers and colleagues by my communication with them. Later in my professional life I had made such an interaction with my patients and students that they have faith in me in sharing their problems. Besides that I had always fulfilled my instincts of my hobbies like music – both singing and listening, sports like table tennis, badminton, swimming, reading, making outstanding friends despite being busy in job and home. Always helping the needy gives me happiness.
- Define the true beauty.
Beauty is both external and internal. As we say healthy mind resides in healthy body. We should be proud of our body which god has given in parameters which cannot be changed like colour and height but body beauty can be enhanced by the way we keep ourselves fit and healthy and the way we dress and present ourselves overall. Beauty is never complete till one is beautiful by heart and head that is full of love, happiness, kindness, compassion, sweetness, innocence and purity of soul.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
In itself no family is perfect and have both good and bad parts but thing which matters most is to understand and accept each other. Ideal family loves, cares, supports and understands each other being thankful and grateful to each other in all small things. Healthy family encourages and appreciates and understands in times of difficulties with warm heart. Such family should have time to communicate and express love towards each other.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
I enjoy traveling to different places like hillstations, planes, romantic places, temples, lakes and beaches and with different cultures. Also love to spend time watching and listening songs, movies, playing favourite sports, reading articles of my choice on different topics, making new adventurous and crazy friends. Most important above all to indulge in activities to keep body and soul fit like walking, yoga, pranayam, meditation and above all prayers to god.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
Right from the biginning I was interested in photography, photo shoot and fashion and to become global for noble cause besides doing excel in academics too. But in initial days studies were the priorities as education is the most important thing. After that got busy in job, children and family but always involved myself in above activities wherever and whenever possible either at personal level or college or home functions. Than suddenly I came to know about this pageant so I can never miss this golden opportunity to be on top of world like an angel, princess or goddess of wisdom and beauty healing and strengthening everyone around and making world a beautiful place to live.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The things which bothers me most for our country India are the internal conflicts we are facing either in name of caste ,religion ,politics or poverty, unemployment, corruption and reservation. I always think can’t we built a nation where we lift ourselves from above issues and live with harmony, love and peace, helping each other with a big feeling of nationality. Always feel to inculcate our rich traditional values and morals in our children and to teach everyone to respect each other be it men or women and to stop any kind of violence against women specially domestic violence, child trafficking and rapes and to stop cruelity towards animals and to preserve water and trees to save nature.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Smile and be happy and make others feel same. Listen to your heart and win others heart. Age is number to grow and to learn to be contended with enthusiasm and energy that is to stay evergreen forever.
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
For me true sportsmanship is to fulfill your dreams with dedication, confidence and sincerity. Do not compete by lowering others but by helping others and supporting them to rise too, the true talent will outshine itself. Every human is god’s unique creation so observe good qualities in other and appreciate and encourage that with love, warmth and gratitude.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
I always dream and want to be one for a global and noble cause. I would like to work for adolescents and youth both male and females, Encouraging and guiding them for their goals in life both academically and in their extracurricular activities and hobbies in order to bring out their true self so that they don’t feel their wishes unfulfilled. As both academic and extracurricular activity very important to build a healthy person who become future leaders of our country and to save them from various health problems specially the increasing mental health