Jyoti Joshi
- A brief about yourself and how you describe your personality and persona.
I am Jyoti Joshi married to a banking professional and belong to army background. Currently in Pune city, which is also called 'Oxford of the East’ and basically from dehradun which again is a beautiful doon valley. Science graduated, masters in English, MBA in HR and currently pursuing Sports Nutrition in Pune University.While describing myself I feel in the bridge between the 80’s and 21st centaury world, I consider myself lucky to be a true blend of new and traditional values. I too possess a superpower (As every girl does) i.e. having this balanced outlook towards life which in turn moulds me to each and every role perfectly. Starting from being a caring daughter to an encouraging sister or a successful established career person to a dedicated homemaker, a doting wife or a responsible daughter-in-law, from being a careless youngster to a very responsible mom of two. Coming from an army background, I believe with every hardship life throws at me a better version of me evolves out. My new found love for Fitness is something that’s even more challenging and that drives me to work hard on me every passing day.
- Your achievements that makes you feel high.
Being a mother is the greatest achievement of my life. As a mother I've been on a rollercoaster ride full of emotions. I have discovered an entirely different version of myself which was lost somewhere deep down. After becoming a mother I realized how inevitably I can love and how selflessly I can contribute towards the social welfare. It makes me tremendously proud that I am contributing towards the welfare of the country by upbringing my children which are the future of our country and contributing towards making INDIA a better place to live in.
- Define the true beauty.
Margaret Wolfe Hungerford has said and here I quote "Beauty in things exists merely in mind which contemplates themâ€. I hold the same opinion on this context .Beauty means happiness , happiness of the inner soul."Your beauty should be that of your inner self. Only love can bring out the beauty in a person .The true beauty can only be reflected in the soul not by anything else
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Happiness makes a complete, healthy and happy family for me.A family where everyone is happy,a family where there are no grudges amongst the members is what a family is.A true family keeps in mind the principle of "all for one and one for all".Love and Happiness are the two key elements which matters the most in a family.
- What is your favorite idea of holidaying?
My Father being in Army and husband being in transferable job moving out frequently and exploring new places is more of a routine than holidaying so somehow my definition of holidaying differs. Bing fitness in my mind, my favourite idea also revolves around fitness at some point. My favourite holiday destination is most likely to be set at a place to where I can commence a trek. Though this contradicts the generalised idea of "holidaying" but still as always I don't go mainstream. The main reason behind the adventurous holiday is that I've realized the importance of fitness in an individual's life and especially for women of a certain age.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
The Moto of Mrs. India queen of substance has inspired me the most. I've always been an independent and a confident person. Through the medium of this platform I do not only think of recognition but of getting an opportunity to represent my country at an international level. I also aim at spreading the importance of fitness to the common mass.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
What bothers me the most being a woman is - safety of women and and being a mother is - safety of kids actual major concern in our country. Every day we hear about rapes, sexual abuse and it not only affects women but also small kids and toddlers. I even remember being crying when Nirbahay or Pradyuman cases were taking rounds in each news channel. even the institution like Schools, colleges and for that matter even temples are not safe these days. I want to contribute in eradicating this problem from the society. Other issues which require attention are acceptance of divergent viewpoints, currently the person in a higher hierarchy and power can easily suppress the weaker sections and their thoughts. Living in a democratic country, everybody should be able to able to exercise freedom of speech and we should respect each individual's thoughts whether we agree or disagree.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Actually its little difficult to choose a quote when there are lots of them , but still two of my favorites of all time would be “Respond to every call that excites your spiritâ€, This quote somehow keeps me motivated all the time and gives me courage to take risks. It kind of keeps me going and tells me to listen to my heart and do the best. "Strive not to be success,but rather to be of value" This quote inspires me the most because it establishes a point that being a success is very self centered and aiming to be rather of value serves for the society as whole. I believe that we get to live once and we should make it worth living.
- What is true Sportsmanship for you?
The true sense of Sportsmanship for me is not confined only to sports . Respect for others and one's self is the true essence of Sportsmanship which makes it omnipresent . Sportsmanship hence is not only confined to sports but has it's Roots reaching out to each and every aspect of life where ethics, justice and good conscience are involved. Sportsmanship for me is the backbone of the morals and ethics of an individual. An individual must not lack this metaphoric backbone because there's literally there's no point of living without a backbone.
- If you are selected as a Charity Ambassador what value addition would you like to make for our society and how?
As I've mentioned earlier the major problem I feel to be worked upon is Women safety ,due to my inclination towards fitness I'd do my best to promote the importance of fitness in an individual's life plus self defense is something that every lady should learn. I aim towards helping woman of India to recognize and identity their inner beauty and to understand how important fitness is.I want to embibe the qualities of not only a healthy physique but also a healthy mind in each and every person. I believe that every individual must be confident,graceful and charismatic in their own way which can only be achieved once a person has a fit body.So yes ,my first and the foremost motive as a Charity Ambassador for the development of the society would be to work for the fitness of the people. I always feel responsible and do my bit for the society. Never the one to shy away from challenges, I love trying and learning new things