Mrs. S Mishra
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
. My name is Soni Mishra. I belong to lucknow and I completed my graduation from kanpur university . In 2002 I married with Rakesh Mishra. I am very passionate. I love Dancing. In professional carrier I started my career with lakme salon And currently I am working as senior skin therepist and makeup artist in Green Trends Lucknow. I like to dance as write earlier. Beside I like to go gym, making new friends.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I belong to lower middle class family & in lower middel class family the people are very narrow minded. After marriage I feel the same thing and I finally move out to make myself independent . And then I started my carrier with a normal beauty parlour where I used to work as beautician then I move forward and I joined lakme salon over there I got the training after the training I joined green trends as senior therapist and makeup artist. Right now I am self dependent in my life and I am pround on it.
- Define the true beauty.
According to me true beauty lies in heart . As you know in todays world humanity is at the ending point . No one try to help others in this world. So according to me true beauty is in your heart . Not in Physical appearance.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Happy family means that in family every one respect each other loves every one. Care for others also the elder member of the family should take responsebilties of making all together. And all family members should respect everyone. Should have a positive enviorment and attitude .
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
According to me favoriate idea of holidaying I want to travel the whole world and want to feel each and everything provided by nature. In my opinion the place where you feel relaxed with your co partner, friends and you always smiling without any anxieties is favouratie holiday plan.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I am participating in mrs india beacause I want to make identity. I can also say that this is the first platform which can make myself more better which I want to achieve in life . I want to change the people mindset of the people as in india still there is so much narrow mindset of the people about females.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Everybody is very busy in whole world even accroding to me the relation of the people is the most biggest problem in current scenerio. Nobody has time to give other in in the family everyone is very busy . it is also creating the less humanity in the people. People are busy with virtual thing like facebook, whatsap ,. We have lot of friends on facebook, whatsp but in real life it is on the numbers. After so many common problems like population, pollution, humanity issue , women empowerment this is also a big problme in india .
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Well I believe in that no lines can encourage you if you are not internally inspired to achieve your goals which want in your life, But I feel one the great quote which encourages me is “lakshya to har hall me pana hai “.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True sportsmanship means accroding to me that NEVER GIVE UP. If you fail wake up again and start again. In life you will find problem any where a sportsmanship says that every problem has a solution. Get the solution and try try try until you get success.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I become charity ambassadors then I would like to opne a house for older persons, for girls I would like to open a training center of self defence coaching. As well as for self employment trainging center I would like to open. So that they will get better opportunity in the life.