Mrs. G Sood
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My name is Geetika Sood and I dream to win this competition. I come from a small town and have dreamt of making big in this world. I got married very early and have 2 lovely children. Now, when the kids have grown up and I have time for myself, I would like to achieve all my dreams and work hard to get them. I love my family and thank my parents all the time to make me this capable in life.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I got married at a very young age and became a young mother of 2 lovely children. My studies were abruptly stopped. But I did not lose hope and completed by studies. I finished my B.Ed and am pursuing a degree in law currently. I consider this as my biggest achievement.
- Define the true beauty.
I consider true beauty to be a beautiful mind and a clean heart. Our bodies will become old one day, but our thoughts and our actions will remain alive forever – which make us beautiful.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A complete, healthy and happy family is a family which takes out time for each other, which talks to each other, feels love and happiness for each other. A happy family for me is the one which does small things together and supports each other.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
My favorite idea of holidaying is when the complete family goes out and has fun. They all eat, drink and make merry together. There is happiness, there is bonding and there is love all around.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I dreamt of becoming a beauty queen, a heroine, a dancer and a famous personality when I was young. Then I got married at a very early age and all dreams got locked up. Now, I think I have a chance to re live and achieve my dreams – as the children are grown up and I have all the time to pursue my dreams. I think Mrs. India Queen of substance can fulfill all my dreams.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The pollution all over the country, especially in New Delhi bothers me a lot. There is a lot of pollution, a lot of traffic and a lot of noise everywhere. Given a chance, I would like to change some rules and regulations and control these things for people to have better lives and standards of living.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
The quote that inspires me a lot: ‘'The harder the battle- the sweeter the victory"
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
True ‘Sportsmanship’ for me is to feel happy for and congratulate your opponent when you have lost out. There will be other competitions for me. We should not back bite or say bad and unpleasant things for opponents. That is sportsman like.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I was selected as the Charity Ambassador, I would like to help out the countless kidney patients across India and the world. I have donated one of my kidney to my husband who had a kidney failure and have seen the suffering of hundreds of patients on dialysis and in need of a kidney. I want to spread awareness amongst thousands of patients and their relatives regarding organ donation for saving lives. I also want to help old couples in distress and young poor children. I would like to start a charity or help out NGO’s to fulfill these targets. The sick, old and neglected people need love, compassion and all the help we can give them.