Dr. R Mittal
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a 33 yr old vibrant, charismatic, candid, and charming person. An Onco-pathologist by profession and a performer by passion. I did my M.B.B.S from Indore and M.D from the prestigious All India Institute of Medical sciences (A.I.I.M.S), New Delhi. Right from my childhood days I have been a meritorious scholar and a state medical entrance test topper. Apart from my profession, I am a dancer, traveler, dreamer, health and fitness enthusiast and adventure seeker. I have served as a voluntary tutor for the poor and underprivileged children. On personal level, I am a very simple, loving, truthful and down to earth person. I consider myself as a fighter and achiever who shackles all strings and stereotypes, leaves no stone unturned and overcomes shortcomings. I believe, a person’s positive attitude, perseverance, persistence and patience are the key characteristics which define her and take her to Zenith. Height is just a number for one who is determined, motivated to mark a difference and I justify every bit of it. Being just a 5 feet tall woman, I am confident to stand tall by my virtue of talent, courage, passion and vision to make a difference in the society.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Trust me, the very Almighty gift of “love“ and “life†are the ultimate achievements for any individual and I am no exception to this. Doing something out of the box that makes me or my loved ones happy is of immense gratification for me almost an achievement for me. Well as far as objectifying achievement is concerned, securing 2nd position amongst lakhs of aspirants in the state Pre-medical test and identifying yourself on the front page of the leading newspaper was indeed an achievement well accomplished. To continue, I have been awarded by the Chief Minister of MP, and Mayor of Indore and various NGO’s for my academic excellence and extracurricular activities. The ‘most memorable’ event indeed worth sharing is when I along with my family was invited to meet the then ‘President of India’ “DR APJ Abdul Kalam†in 2006 where we discussed about the vital issues of education in general and female education in particular. I also had the privilege to give an interview on the All India radio and television for my academic achievements. Apart from these I have also served as secretary of various bodies during my medical school.
- Define the true beauty.
“Beauty lies in the eye of beholderâ€, an age old quotation, still holds true. But as far as “true beauty†of any individual is concerned it is beyond the limitations of one’s physical attributes like height, weight, complexion etc. It is the alloy of pure heart, a noble soul, innocence, talent and compassion, yet being down to earth. “True beauty†is always close to nature and finding one is I believe a rare phenomenon.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A complete family includes everyone that share a bond of love, care and responsibility. It is like the fingers of a hand, where all have a different purpose , ability, flexibility and work. For me a healthy happy family comprises a group where all members are given a freedom to exercise their own choices and put forward their opinions which are fully respected and supported and at the same time is non judgemental and provides every member a shell and solace ,irrespective of their flaws. My family is my strength and constant source of motivation and I strongly believe one’s family is the strongest support in any phase of life which provides you a non judgmental atmosphere.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
Nothing is perfect in this world, and everything in life comes with its cons. Holidaying though rare for me, is an opportunity to rejuvenate myself. It is not just holidaying which makes it perfect, its the company which makes your holiday perfect. It is also a chance to revitalise, rediscover yourself, and bounce back with all new energy and effort. It could be a complete relaxation in some exotic or serene place close to nature and/or exploring some new activity or adventure that gives you an adrenaline rush and pumps good positive hormones in blood.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I strongly believe that ‘Mrs India-Queen of Substance’ is not just a beauty peagent. It is a showcase of women with talent, skills, integrity, strength, dreams, ambition, passion, vision and intention to make the world a better place. Truly speaking, a woman with substance has many dimensions which are not definable by any strict criteria. I feel every woman is beautiful in her own unique way and it takes great courage, confidence, hardwork and determination to present herself on such a big platform. This platform will provide me an opportunity to deliver my message, intentions and vision to masses and be a role model. I am sure that I will do 100% justice to the title of “Queen of substance†and also 100% justice to my abilities by competing for this title.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
We all are aware of the current scenario of our country in various spheres. Are we actually developing ? I think it’s time to take a step back, think, and re-evaluate our policies, organisations, and laws and and analyse where are we going wrong. Currently what bothers me most are the basic necessities of any individual’s survival which unfortunately are the most ignored issues, mainly ‘air pollution’ and ‘food adulteration’. The so called fashion of modernization be it traffic, technology or industries has led to a polluted, suffocating atmosphere and contributing to this hazardous situation is an ‘improper waste management’ system which seemingly is one of the lowest priority for the government. There is still a lack of stringent rules and laws pertaining to pollution and waste management. Days are not far when even for inhaling fresh air, we would need special chambers. The foodstuffs like fruits, vegetables, dairy and packed foods are commonly adulterated with artificial preservatives, synthetic colors, which contain harmful chemicals responsible for a multitude of ‘cancer’. Chronic Alcoholics and smokers/tobbaco consumers are no longer the only risk group for cancer but the general population at large is at risk due to food adulteration. To combat this, there is need for awareness campaigns, vigilance and strict laws.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
I actually read a lot and there are many positive quotes which inspire me. My all time favorite line is “Believe in Yourselfâ€.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
First be cognizant of the rules and then participate with all your heart, honest efforts and dedication to give your best to win but at the same time have the courage to accept the result whatsoever, with full grace. Introspect and rectify your faults constantly without losing focus, as winning is not in our hand but giving our best is all we can. If you win it’s the best thing one can have, but if you don’t, you get something even better than that, and that’s “experienceâ€. Give the same respect and opportunity to your fellow contestants as you expect from them. Remember together we achieve more, so if you are participating for nation, community, or a good cause, focus on a common goal instead of focusing on self.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
The MIQS is a wonderful platform to serve the nation and be a role model for the population. I would like to utilise this platform fully by serving the underprivileged sections by all means of all the assets I have. My main area of interest and focus are Children and Cancer prevention & control. Providing children the ‘primary education’ is one of the most noble tasks as it shapes his future, his thinking, morals, understanding his duties and responsibilities and exercising rights. I will personally ensure that whatever charity I provide reaches grassroot level and does not stagnate at the upper strata. For ‘cancer prevention and control’ I would like to provide education, conduct awareness programs and campaigns and demonstrate cancer survivors meeting with general population which would be highly motivating. I strongly believe and follow the good old saying -“ Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, for all the people you can and as long as you canâ€.