Tuhina Manendra
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
My name is Tuhina Manendra.I am 27 years old.I belong to the land of Litchis, Muzaffarpur, Bihar.I am a homemaker.I got married last year after which I moved to the United States.I have also worked in a very reputed IT firm for around 3 years as a Computer Science Engineer.I love travelling, cooking and outdoor activities.I am also fond of music.I love to make friends and interact with new people. I am a confident person with high willpower and mental strength.I speak my mind.According to my family members and my friends, I am a sweet,kindand talkative person.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I belong to a middle class family. My father is a professor & mother a homemaker. Since my childhood, they had a dream to see me succeed in my life by getting a good job. I knew what they wanted & hence always used to work hard throughout my student life. So after I got my 1st job, it was a great feeling of satisfaction for me.It made me feel proud about myself & also gave me a lot of happiness because I had fulfilled the dream of my parents. Hence, getting my 1st job is my most cherished achievement.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is a blend of the outer beauty which consists of the charm on our face, our smile and the way we interact with the people and also the inner beauty which is the beauty of mind, soul and heart.And I firmly believe that the beauty reflects on the face if a person is beautiful inside.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A complete, healthy and happy family for me is the one in which the members have a strong bond and they share the ups and downs of life together.The members should love respect and support each other.They should progress in their life and give time to their family members equally. Success & achievements are incomplete without sharing that joy with the family members.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favorite idea of Holidaying would be some serene place like a hill station or a beach where I can spend quality time with my entire family.What matters most is enjoying warm cup of coffee in morning, doing adventures together in afternoon, sharing the same dining table at dinner and ending the night with long conversations laughing loud on silly things.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
I want to earn name and fame for myself, my family and my hometown.Besides,I would like to motivate married women to trust themselves and to continue follow their dreams even after marriage because marriage is a sweet part in the journey of life and it should not be considered as a barrier.I would also like to encourage men within our society to support women in their family, to make them come forward & fulfill their dreams.Apart from these, I want to help women and children to improve their literacy rate.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
The thing that bothers me most is terrorism which is a burning issue not only in my country - India but also in rest of the world.Due to this inhuman activity, people are afraid to travel, go to any public gatherings or live freely and enjoy their lives. It destroys families, societies & countries. It is the most cruel thing for humanity & it saddens my heart.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
There are two quotes as follows: 1.Where there is a will, there is a way. 2.God helps those who help themselves.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
According to me, true "Sportsmanship" means being confident and giving 100 percentage in your goal.Politeness,truth and determination are characteristics of a true Sportsman.We must give our best and try to learn from our failures and accept the results whatever they might be.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I am selected as a Charity Ambassador, I would love to promote education among men, women and children. I would initiate this step from my home state, Bihar, as it has the lowest literacy rate in India and then promote it throughout the country.Children are the future of our nation.We can mould their minds in a good form for the betterment of our society.Women who only know how to cook food for daily survival are also helpless.They need proper guidance and support to live a better life which will lead to a better society and a better India.