- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a modern day, confident and an ambitious woman. I believe both in traditional values and progressive thinking, something that I have inherited from my roots. Although, I like to strike a balance in my professional and personal life, but somewhere I compete with myself, raising the bar higher every time. For me any challenging task is exciting and exploration is fascinating. Apart from my values, I don’t have rigid notions and am a happy go lucky person, who is open to newer ideas. At the same time I am a confident and successful entrepreneur who follows her heart and relentlessly strives to bring a smile on people's faces. My adaptable nature allows me to imbibe new ideas spontaneously and at the same time my confident persona enables me to stand for the right causes.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
I believe my optimism and faith inculcates in my survival instincts helping me to achieve my dreams. The confidence within offers me strength to kindle hopes in failures and challenges posed in life. As a kid, and moreover, being a girl I would religiously watch beauty pageants in a small city like Patna; hence, the fashionista in me would be set lose. Well, this opportunity has come knocking on my door to turn that dream into a reality!!! Owing to my huge interest in music and art; during my higher school days, I thought of a plan B - to become a fashion designer that I have happened to achieve with god’sgrace, apart from the hard work put in despite various obstacles and hardships coming along my way. As of today, I am privileged to stand here as a successful Designer/Entrepreneur amongst you all. I am sure this couldn't have been possible without the support of my two families and a very supportive husband. I feel there is no end to success and learning in life and my journey is still incomplete in terms of exploring my hidden capabilities. But the real high always comes from remaining grounded and bringing smiles on millions of faces around me. I wish to inspire all those who believe in their dreams and are striving to become a better human being with every passing day.
- Define the true beauty.
I believe true beauty is what lies within. Outside beauty is transient and fades away with time but it is the inner beauty that stays forever. For me inner beauty is a blend of compassion and excellence. It is the spark that drove people like Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr. who despite their ordinary appearances went on to guide the world towards a better tomorrow. Outer beauty is pleasing to the eye, but inner beauty is pleasing to the soul. In this world of war and hatred, hunger and strife, we should aspire to be beautiful from the inside as that will shine like a diamond even within the darkest hours and inspire others to do the same. Just like a diamond trapped inside a coal, true beauty is inner beauty and just like a diamond inner beauty is forever.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
I am 80% giver and 20% taker. In this ruthless world who doesn’t need a helping hand. Since my childhood days, I had a natural tendency to help. Be it humans or animals, I always had an inclination to go out of my way to provide comfort and support to those who needed it. Being an extrovert, I could very easily mingle with people and understand their challenges even if they didn’t articulate it. My knack to understand people and fathom their challenges, made me a giver in a very natural way, without making them ask for help. But not all days are the same. Sometimes I also needed assistance and for that I went to my family that gave me much needed emotional recharge. Although 20%, but the emotional support, love and affection that I received, replenished my spirit and I went back rejuvenated to lend a helping hand.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
My favorite idea for holidaying is very spontaneous. I prefer to pack my bags and leave for a destination without thinking too much about the destination itself but relishing the experiences that I will have on the way. Holidaying for me is not a destination, but the journey and the numerous adventures that the journey has to offer. I live these experiences and cull out the important lessons that I learn when I am on the road. And once I reach my destination, it is more about exploring the place, people, culture, craft and cuisine.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
If I were given a chance to live again, I would surely love to be who I am today and would enrich my life with newer experiences. I am grateful to the higher powers in the universe that they have made me capable enough physically, mentally and financially. I would have pursued more hobbies, connected with more people, explored more, taken more risks and strived harder to make this world a better place. If given a chance, I would surely be me and would want the same set of family members, who are my emotional backbone. I would want the same life partner and would relive the beautiful moments we have spent together
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
The world is not a place where perfect people gather to say perfect things, have perfect thoughts and have perfect feelings. It's a place full of imperfect people who gather to provide encouragement and support to each other. So just be yourself and let the world see the real, imperfect, flawed, beautiful and magical person that you are within. Don't let anyone pull you down because you are not any lesser. Every individual is blessed with their own abilities and talent which can inspire others, you don't need to be perfect to inspire people around you, and people can also get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections. So live beautiful, stay happy and be grateful to God for who you are!
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
Well! There are many quotes which I come through almost every day which actually inspires me a lot in every angle of my life. But still if I need to choose one then it would be ‘if you can dream it you can do it’. This one saying boosts me a lot to move ahead in life.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having .
Believe in god and believe in yourself and your abilities see yourself as a unique person that can do whatever that is needed to survive normally learn to improve your self esteem and work on things that will be beneficial to you and others this makes you a better person imperfect looks does not mean you can’t function in the society as a normal human being, you can socialize with others irrespective of the castigation in our society today. I believe plastic surgery can make you look better for over weight people dieting and exercise help a lot too.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
If I were selected as a Charity Ambassador I would have worked for the rights of people marginalized on the basis of class differences. I would have forwarded the cause for the larger group in the society, who have been discarded completely and have been cornered without any rights and means to earn their livelihoods. I would like to establish an organization to skill them so that they can earn their living and hold their head high. Even in my business, what gives me greatest satisfaction is not the sales numbers but how many people I have I skilled so far. It gives me immense satisfaction when I see weavers and craftsmen from remote parts of country create master pieces. Helping them and many others like them achieve their rightful place in the society is something that I am determined to whether or not I am a Charity Ambassador. It’s important to give back to society as I am a strong believer of 'Karma', what goes around, comes around! It is very important to work on the aspects of life which are in the best interest of everyone and benefits all. When we do our bit for the society, we might feel that what such small feats will accomplish when so many people in the world are suffering. But if each individual decides to support in small ways, it can bring positive change. We have inherited this world and once we are gone, all that will stay behind is what difference we made to the society.