- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I would describe my personality as very outgoing and social. I am easy to talk to and a good listener. I understand people and I make friends very easily.
- Your achievements that make you feel high.
Today I can feel those moment when I got teez Quine Khitaab in Lucknow start plus anokhi.
- Define the true beauty.
In my view beauty can be broadly defined into two types: External Beauty: I feel external beauty is about clear skin, good BMI, glowing skin, fairness, good facial features, physical features, eyes, hair, and grooming. Internal Beauty: I feel internal beauty is about the reflection of your character. It is about your actions, your knowledge, your thoughts, empathy, goodness, the goodness that you feel about yourself. It is about how you think about
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
My mother always say you just give unconditionally you will get all automatically that's why I believe and considering my self as a giver.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Holidaying usually means a trip, a break up from regular busy life ,and for me it is refreshing own-self by spending time with things i like, spending time with family in garden, long talk with family, and yes boosting with new-innovative ideas to live life more beautiful.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
My mam miss lucky Suri who encouraged me for Mrs India Queen of Substance , in all to encourage my own self to move ahead with same passionate attitude which a girl has before marriage the same sky and to fulfill dreams with no limits If you we.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
if given an opportunity, with same family, I would choose to live another life cuz my present life that i m living i hve experienced so far all the beautiful things life has to offer the tears, joys,laughter ,love just about all beautiful feelings of life , but the other life tat i wld wnt to live it wld come with it's own mysteries which i wld b ready to unfold sumthin so challengin yet so beautiful SO I WLD SAY BRING IT ON The Quote
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
This beautiful quotes are by over pm mr narendra Modi Mana Andheri Ghana hai Nager diya jalanna kaha manna hai.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having .
We got this beautiful birth and beyond we got beautiful journey its all once wont get another chance so regret for other thousand and million right things present in own self
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
Believe in Quality and service hard work, contribution done for the improvement of life of others to serve humanity at different bridges is more worth , increasing awareness, understanding and delivering which motivates the society. Ensuring relevant organizations for funds in interest of society which will prove healthy backbone for bright tow marrow. Given importance of society bz of you know when I purchase a products at the supermarket you turst that the people who sell the products aren't lying to you When you make an appointment both people depend on the honesty of the other this is important focters