- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a girl with a mind, a woman with positive attitude and a lady with class. Affectionate and caring at home, adorable and mischievous with friends and dedicated and enthusiastic at work, is how I carry myself through my various roles and responsibilities. Smile and confidence are the two accessories that I can never do without. Although growing older was inevitable,I chose to age healthily. I feel blessed on having bestowed with the ability to heal suffering of others through selfless service as a doctor in the govt health services. I have been working on the issues of women’s health in the limited sphere of my activity, but I believe women’s education and safety issues also need to be addressed as well. This platform would enable me to voice my opinions and pursue a wide variety of activities on a broader base.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
Pride to my parents, joy to my soulmate, gentle heartbeat to my children, support to my family and friends, inspiration at work and a role model fo the society : were the dreams that I grew up with, and tried to achieve these with continued learning, patience and endurance along the way. I was able to live my mother’s dream of becoming a doctor. I have been able to complement my husband perfectly, and have always stood like a rock with him through his thick and thin. I have been able to raise healthy kids with the same values and virtues that I grew up with, such as honesty, discipline and respect for humanity. I have been honoured by the Distt Administration of Fatehabad and Rohtak for successful implementation of schemes related to Women Empowerment by health deptt. And lastly, being shortlisted for this pageant is a major achievement, as I see my childhood dream coming true. I was in tears when my husband and teenaged sons expressed undoubted faith in my ability to contest and win this pageant, promising to take good care of themselves in my absence.
- Describe the true Beauty?
True beauty of a woman is reflected not only in her looks, but also in her deeds. A beautiful woman uses her eyes to look for the good in others, voice to speak words of kindness, ears for compassion, hands for charity, heart for love, and for those that do not like her, she uses prayer. Beauty of a woman only grows with passing years. Her wrinkled face shows life’s experiences, her rough hands mould the world, and the withered body stands proud and strong, inspite of the difficulties encountered. This is the true beauty of a woman.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
I consider myself as a giver as well as a taker. Taking a part of nature to create something wonderful, and nurture it with love, patience and tolerance, is what womanhood is all about. Give and take are the two sides of the same coin called life. How people treat you is what you take, and how you react is what you give. I believe in giving without remembering and taking without forgetting. I am smart enough to hold on, and, at the same time, brave enough to let go.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
A holiday at least once a year is essential to recharge, reboot, rejuvenate and, rediscover oneself. It is an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with family and adds a spark to the relationships. My ideal holiday would be with my family at a previously unvisited place, which is picturesque and tranquil, so that there is ample opportunity to relax and bond with the family. In addition, it would also let me experience a different culture and learn something new.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
I love challenges and am experimental by nature. Coming out of my comfort zone to discover yet another facet of my capabilities and to enrich from the experience was what motivated me to participate in MIQS. I am fortunate enough to be able to live my dream with the support and encouragement of my near and dear ones. It is an effort to prove that marriage is not a fullstop to your dreams; it rather transforms you for the better. As a titleholder, I would be able to inspire other women as a role model, and will be able to make a difference in the lives of the underprivileged by reaching out to varied sections of the society for issues which I have not been able to address by now.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
Undoubtedly it would be myself again because I love and admire myself for what I am and am proud of what I have been able to achieve by now. I may not be perfect, but I have always been happy and content. I am adored, respected and admired for who I am. I consider myself truly blessed to be a part of the wonderful families that I belong to. But this time I would like to serve the country as an officer in the armed forces.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
“ Yeh dil maange more †by PVC Capt Vikram Batra. It inspires me to keep on learning, dreaming and achieving. Always dream big, try your best to achieve it, but be grounded. Let not success go to your head and stay connected to your roots. Do not forget the society you belong to and, while realizing your dreams, contribute generously in making the world a better place to live in.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having .
Beauty attracts, but personality captures the heart. Attractions are short - lived, but a pleasing personality rules the hearts of people for long. Nobody is perfect and one must be comfortable in one’s own imperfections, as it is the differences that make each of us unique. The grass always looks greener on the other side, water your garden and make it green. Anything that interferes with maintenance of good health or affects activities of daily living needs to be taken care of on priority basis, but otherwise all that matters is what kind of a person you are, rather than how you look. Work hard, achieve big; the world would follow. To the youngsters who bully others, my message is : it takes darkness to appreciate light, black to appreciate white and ugliness to appreciate beauty. God has created every human being in its unique way. It is the differences that make each one of us special. So try to appreciate the goodness in others and learn from them.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
If selected as a charity ambassador, I would promote women and children’s health, safety and education, especially of the girl child. My focus would be towards making women self-sufficient by imparting skill - based training to them as well as self - defence techniques. Tie up with various stakeholders to meet basic healthcare and educational needs of underprivileged children would also be explored through regular health camps and special teaching sessions in target groups. I could convince social organizations to contribute to the cause of women empowerment by associating with our projects and mission. I do strongly feel that to bring about a change in attitude towards women, male participation is crucial. Hence we need to discuss these issues in a mixed audience. Inspirational short films and documentaries of ordinary women who made it big by sheer hard work, commitment and dedication would be showed to them. Additionally, being a doctor, I would contribute towards establishing charitable health institutions to provide quality health services at a reasonable and affordable cost. Providing health insurance to the underprivileged would also be a cost – effective measure. Along with rights, come responsibilities. We are fortunate enough to have been born in free India. Had the freedom fighters not given up their lives and comforts, we would have been oppressed and underdeveloped till now. God gave us two hands, one to take and the other to give. The taker may eat well sometimes, but the giver always sleeps well. This is nature’s law : what we give, comes back to us in multiples. If we help someone today, someone would be there to help us tomorrow. Right from birth we get affection, education and values from our family and society. In turn, we must give it back to the next generation, so that it helps them grow into productive, responsible and mature adults. We would develop as a nation only if everyone moves together. If any section of the society lags behind, the pace of development slows down, just as an athlete is unable to perform his best if any part of his body ails. Hence, the necessity to give back the maximum that we can, to the society.