- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am a great friend. I believe in standing up for underdog .I am not much of a follower or take the lead . I like to do my own things. get depressed at times but at the same time I see more of the positives in my life that is what has really helped me keep moving forward and fighting. I am not very much organized even though I think to be so. I really care about others. I like to doing creative things. I am quite straight forward. People love me for my kindness and generosity. They also like me for my jolly nature. My teachers loved me because I was obedient and good at everything I did.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Working in mary kom. Mary kom because this is my first film and a big banner one. And also to be a part of the film industry whether it’s assamese or hindi. Dreaming to be a an actress or a model in a family where there is no link between the two is a very big and unexpected thing, even though my family found to be supportive. Coming from a small town and landed here in a city like Mumbai and getting chances to live my dream really makes me feel happy and high.
- Define the true beauty.
Every individual has its own view on beauty. For me a person is beautiful if his mind and soul is pure. If he thinks good for others, if he is emotional for people, if he maintains humanity, that person is beautiful for me. I agree that physical appearance does matter sometimes as it is said ‘first impression is the last impression’ because as we see something good or beautiful we get attracted towards it , but it may not last for long. So it doesn’t matter always.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
In this I would say that I am both a giver as well as a taker. I love to help people but at the same time I will see that I am not creating problems for myself or loosing anything to an extreme level by doing something for others. Sometimes I demand things from my closed ones expecting I did for them so its their turn now or they love me so much so I deserve to get from them. I give love and respect to people and I expect the same from them. I feel bad if people take me for granted though it’s rare.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
Holidaying means going to a place where you get peace an happiness leaving every stress behind. I am blessed with a very good and loving family and kin. They are very fun loving and always energetic. So my idea of holidaying is going out to a place with them and enjoy to the level best, having yummy food, going shopping, chatting and laughing and cracking jokes.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
The reason to join MIQS is myself want to see myself how far I can go. Also sometimes it’s excited to take up challenges. By participating in MIQS, I also want to show that house is not the limit of a girl after marriage and to encourage them to come out of their houses and do whatever they feel like to do whatever they feel like to do.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
If I were given a chance to live again, first and foremost I would take care of my body. Then i would like to avoid those mistakes which I committed because of immaturity. And finally I would like to live my life in a more matured way.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
Well! There are many quotes which I come through almost every day which actually inspires me a lot in every angle of my life. But still if I need to choose one then it would be ‘if you can dream it you can do it’. This one saying boosts me a lot to move ahead in life.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having .
It’s really very sad when this type of things happen. Youngsters are being bullied worldwide about their colour, height, nose,face etc.Its a never ending list it seems. Seeing this I think every 2nd person is being bullied. So the matter of fact is nobody is perfect. And this should be understood by everybody. So my advice to those youngsters who are being bullied is that don’t feel low by thinking that you are lacking behind something .be confident about yourself, concentrate on your work and strong enough sometimes even to answer back. In this I would share my personal experience. Once, one of my friends teased me saying ‘you girl with small eyes’. Though I don’t think that my eyes are so small but still I replied immediately that ‘it may be but my eyes are bigger than yours’ which actually are. So I advised my friend that ‘you should have confirmed about yourself first’. So to those youngsters I would say ignore them who bully you because they are not your friends and concentrate on those who are your friends, who care for you.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
I would like to uplift the unprivileged children by educating them as education is the root of everything. The other area would be, I would like to make people aware about the importance of population control esp. in rural areas as population is one of the main reasons of many problems today esp. unemployment. How can we expect things from others if we don’t have the will to do for them? I am a part of this society too. And if I love my society I would definitely love to give back something good .it wouldn’t be bad if I consider the society as my family and in a family there is always a give and take relationship without any selfishness. Therefore it is always important to give back to our society if we want our society to grow and glow and making it a better place to live in.