- How you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am Fiza Khan, I would describe myself as a very ambitious and sincere person. I am god fearing caring confident-helpful and down the earth person. I am best mother daughter and wife. I love my children very much they are my strength. I am hardworking person. Who does not like to give up. I believe success through hardworking & dedication. I believe life to serve people without any expectation. My motto in my life. If you want something work hard & believe yourself. You will achieve it there are no shot cut my hobbies reading, music, singing, dancing, cooking & travelling etc.
- Your achievements that make you feel high?
My children is my greatest achievement it was my saviour it switched my focus from the outside to the inside my children are gifts, they remind me of whats important my husband is wonderful father to my kids it my big achievement. I believe optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress being a mother has been without a doubt my greatest source of achievement motherhood has taught me about unconditional love reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me, How to be a better done in my life is joining this pageant. I want to share something. When I look back on my life. I see pain mistakes and heart ache. But now when I see myself. I see strength, Learned, Lessons and pride in Myself.
- Define the true beauty.
True beauty is happiness. True beauty is pure serene and radiant. When the mind is clear of all the negativity it show in the eyes and smile of that person. A person is truly beautiful When she is not aware of that beauty. and so it will make them more grounded and likeable personality . physically also a person is in perfect shape and she is hard working . they have this fluidity of running water which is so fresh true beauty is a rare combination of a sharp mind and beautiful heart mind that thinks solution and heart that is for giving and love all a person who appreciate and look after animal kids needy people old people and the kindness and respect show to others and loyalty and moral value in everyday living that is evidence of true beauty to me true beauty is the good humanity.
- Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker?
I feel I am given do whatever you can to make the other person happy and avoid anything that makes the other person unhappy, even if it makes you unhappy selfless givens is person with high other interest and low self interest they give their time and energy without regard for their own needs successful givens are otherwise they care about benefiting others love and kindness are never wasted they always make a differce they bless the one who receives them. Real love is when you become selfless if nature has made you a given your hands are born open and so is your heart and though there may be time when your hands are empty your heart – is always full and you can give things out of that.
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
Kashmir is my favourite idea of holiday. I want to spend time with Kashmir people because as we a know flood ruined whole Kashmir as a human being I want to help these people I want to support them emotionally and mentally I know I cannot help whole Kashmir but I want to try I want to provide medicine food and clothes to needy people Kashmir people pain is very big and unbearable but still if I do something for Kashmir I will proud of myself.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance.
For wining and I want to prove myself that’s why I want to participate.
- If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be?
I want to live my childhood again. I want to live my married life again with joyful and happiness. I want to live with my family again, because I love my kids I could not replace the people who loves me.
- The quote or saying that encourages you .
Whenever you are going through rough periods in life remember one thing that almighty god was he is and he will be always with you so just keep moving future in life.
- Many teenagers and youngsters are bullied worldwide for having .
Believe in god and believe in yourself and your abilities see yourself as a unique person that can do whatever that is needed to survive normally learn to improve your self esteem and work on things that will be beneficial to you and others this makes you a better person imperfect looks does not mean you can’t function in the society as a normal human being, you can socialize with others irrespective of the castigation in our society today. I believe plastic surgery can make you look better for over weight people dieting and exercise help a lot too.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to do for our Society and how? Why do you think giving back to society is important?
I believe in honesty and integrity and sincere working style. I want to do something different for my society. We try and remove corruption from government organization control the unchecked growth in human population try and reduce poverty to minimum level. If we have excellent medical facility at most affordable rate for all section of the society sufficient fresh water & drinking water and proper housing for all on demand I feel the our society will set on example for all other society in the world. I think if you want to do something your society. So hardworking and dedication is very important I believe life to serve people without any exception I care about people try to help them as much as I can in any way.