Inner beauty

There is a difference between expressing emotions and acting on emotions. One speaks of the mind and the other speaks of the heart. It is also important that if any work is done in harmony with the heart and mind, it brings stability. This stability also expresses an awareness that goes beyond the illusion of words. Our priority should be to praise only those facts which are acceptable, false praise lasts only for a few moments. We cannot ignore the reality. Our inner beauty is the real beauty which does not need any false praise. It is visible on its own, real beauty should be of the mind, not of the body, the body is today not tomorrow. Our identity should be linked to our mind where there is truth, kindness and pure heart. This beauty of mind also does not come automatically. To bring this beauty comes from the sacrifice, penance and hard work of every human being with true dedication, only then we do what we do.
Nowadays, in today's fast-paced life, controlling the mind has become a difficult task. People say one thing and do another because their mentality has become such that they present themselves on the basis of time. Therefore, they are adding only those things where time requires. In such a situation, they are not able to express their thoughts well. It is important to control yourself but you cannot ignore the facts necessary for this. To keep yourself healthy and normal, taking care of yourself is also important. Regular yoga, meditation, pranayam and morning walk are necessary. Which not only strengthens our mental state but also contributes in performing the duties of our country, society and home. Therefore, there should be inner beauty in our environment and efforts should be made to continuously enhance it.