Payal Seth
- A brief about yourself and how you describe your own personality and Persona.
I am Payal Seth, a nutritionist by profession, a proud wife of an eye surgeon and an affectionate mother of two children. I am currently doing private practice in Agra. I am optimistic, cheerful, vivacious, enthusiastic and an out and out extrovert . For me life is not about existing but it’s about living each moment to its fullest . I love to lend a helping hand wherever and whenever I can. Drama, dancing, oration and singing have always been my forte since my school days. I love being on the move, exploring new places. I ardently believe that life is a daring adventure and that it must constantly give impetus to my adrenaline levels- from river rafting to bungee Jumping to jet skiing to edge walk on CN tower in Canada, I have done it all. However, The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep,
- Your achievements that make you feel high.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" said the Chinese philosopher LaoTzu. Getting accolades for being an academic achiever and winning prizes for drama, oration and essay writing at school became my first steps motivating me towards higher goals. I won a scholarship for graduate studies(BSc. Home science with a vocational course of Nutrition and Dietetics) for 3 consecutive years. That was my 'high 'at that time of my life. After doing my postgraduate diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition, I served as an intern at Apollo and Safdarjang hospitals and worked for VLCC, Orthonova and Pushpavati Singhania Liver, Renal and Gastro institute .That added yet another 'high' to my life. After my marriage, I soon established myself as a nutritionist in the city of Agra and was selected as the research assistant for Project Marg ,the Path (A health Awareness Programme for the prevention of Obesity and Diabetes by WDF, Denmark)under the guidance of the internationally acclaimed Padamshree Awardee ,Dr D.K Hazra. I began to spread my wings and reach out to the world. I won the crown of Admiria Mrs UP, 2018 and that became the wind under my wings inspiring me to fly higher .
- Define True Beauty.
The concept of True Beauty is 'Satyam , Shivam, Sundaram', i.e, what is true and good is beautiful. In a compassionate heart, a positive spirit and a confidence sans arrogance lies true beauty. It gives a sparkle in the eye, a joy in the steps, a brightness in the smile and a grace in the style.
- What makes a complete , healthy and happy family for you.
My family is the axis around which I revolve. I am their caregiver and they are mine. Our world seems to be incomplete without each other. For me a complete, healthy and happy family lies in the contentment reflected in the eyes of my elders , the love of my partner , the laughter of my children , the absolute sense of security we feel in each other’s presence and the unconditional acceptance that prevails amongst us.
- What is your favourite idea of Holidaying?
It is going with my family and close friends on an Alaskan Cruise .It is being surrounded with the snow -capped mountains , the vast expanse of ocean away from the maddening crowd of the world, the mysterious whales and dolphins and the life teeming underneath the surface of the sea , the azure blue skies ,the overwhelming tranquility and hush of the morning, and the sparkling sky at night-that is my favourite idea of holidaying!
- Why you are participating in Mrs.India Queen of Substance.
I am on a journey of self discovery, a journey into myself to find out my true potential. I want to free myself from the norms that society has imposed upon womankind from times immemorial. There is an indescribable urge within me to prove to myself and to the World , the infinite variety and capability that is there in me as a woman. I am sure Mrs India Queen of Substance will provide me with a platform to become an ambassador for women empowerment and make a difference in the world.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today.
The rise in the crime against women and children, and female foeticide ,creating a lopsided male female ratio and ultimately becoming the basis for crime against women is what bothers me most today. And what also pulls at my heart strings is the children I see begging on the streets ,their clothes torn,hunger and desparation in their eyes as they stretch out their arms begging for a coin. Another issue that shakes my consciousness repeatedly is the increasing plastic waste in and around us.
- The Quote or Saying that encourages you.
"Boats in the harbour are safe, but that’s not what they are meant for."
- What is true sportsmanship for you.
Good Players Inspire themselves and Great players Inspires Others. I feel You Win with style and u loose With style .
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I am Selected as a Charity Ambassador I would help you in every way to reach out to other people and encourage them to help in this noble cause.I feel giving creates a bond, helping to bolster relationships through a shared goal and raising more money than could otherwise be possible through individual donations.