Nidhi Jaiswal
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Hi, I'm Nidhi jaiswal, 24 yrs old, having a three year old son and a loving husband. I love cooking, travelling, partying, clubbing, long drives, and spending time with my family. I would describe myself as a simple, friendly, emotional, moralistic, strong willed person.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I am a homemaker, a student, a wife, a mother, a daughter and I am carrying out my responsibilities very well and I am very thankful to my husband without whom this wouldn't have been possible. So this really makes me feel high and proud
- Define the true beauty.
For me true beauty is not related just with outer beauty or outer cosmetics, it is about who you are as a human being, your principles, your morals. So I think, inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
As a family, we uplift, encourage each other in times. We spend time, communicate with each other to strengthen our bond. Just eating healthy food is not necessary for a healthy family but also peace of mind, positivity in the environment, and happiness in the family is of utmost importance. For me these factors lead to happy and healthy family
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
The favourite idea of holidaying for me would be going out and spending time with my husband and son, anywhere where we can get quality time with each other and enjoy with each other. Specifically we love to holiday in hill stations.
- Why are you participating in Mrs India Queen of substance?
The reason for participating in this pageant is to gain fame(of course who doesn't want to become famous), gain confidence in myself. As I did everything early in life whether it's marriage or children, responsibilities. So, I think this is the opportunity to prove myself and that life has not stopped for me.
- What bothers you about what is happening in our country today?
The thing that bothers me most that is happening in our country is the problems faced by women i. e., sexual harassment, eve teasing, early marriages, disparity in education, dowry, female infanticide, domestic violence. The government should take some serious steps for the safety and women empowerment and harsh laws should be made so that such people think ten times before doing such crime.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
- What is true sportsmanship for you?
True sportsmanship for me is not only winning but also learning from the mistakes, failures and experiences be it any game or competition in life, so that even if we fail we stand again to compete and win. We should always play fair in life.
- If you were selected as the charity ambassador, what value addition would you like to make for our society and how?
I would be honoured to be selected as a charity ambassador. As a charity ambassador I would surely want to do something for the kidney failure patients. The reason for this is my dad I was very attached to him, he died because of kidney failure, diabetes. I have seen him suffering through pain and the vast expenses spent to cure him. So I would be very grateful if I can do something for the kidney patients.