- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am Wing Commander Kavita Kathuria serving the nation as an Indian Air Force Officer. I have a proud span of 22 years of long service to my credit, which with its tough and yet so enviable lifestyle has made me a well-groomed, confident and passionate individual. I hail from Meerut : Uttar Pradesh and am blessed to be born to the best parents who had dreams for me bigger than the ordinary. Iam also extremely blessed and lucky to find my soul mate in an extremely charming Group Captain of the Indian Air Force. I am a proud mother of two wonderful children. 20 years old daughter who is abright spark and a budding fashion designer and 15 years old passionate boy who wants to change the world, where everybody is happy and simple. The words that define me are Confident, Passionate, Lovable, committed yet calm, composed and Bindass woman. You can call me a finance wizard,Organisationalcounseller by experience,a car rallist, a person with good culinary skills, an interior decorator and party planner extraorinare. I am a good orator as well who can charm the gathering in a jiffy with a witty conversation. I am equally intellectual as I am creative. I believe that women possess power to achieve whatever they dream through the love, passion, commitment and natural feminity.
- You’re Achievements that makes you feel high.
I have been passionate about everything I do. I have always continued to challenge and amaze myself and very strongly believe that there isn’t any sequence to achievements. I am already feeling high while penning them down. - Being an accomplished Indian Air Force Officer makes me feel extremely high. My Uniform is my utmost pride. - My versatility makes me feel high. I have held the coveted appointment of Instructor at Officer Training Academy for 4 years and was adjudged the best ground duty Instructor,Party Planner extraordinaire, aCar Rallist, an Organisational Counsellor by experience, a Magician in Indian Cuisine, a keen Interior Decorator and most of all a Finance wizard. Good oratory skills were a prominent part of my personality and my experience has helped in honing them. - I am extremely proud of being life partner of an accomplished Group Captain of Indian Air Force and a hugely adorable individual. - My grown up children make me feel high as that gives me utmost satisfaction in shaping up two good human beings ready to do good in life. - Love and positivity surrounding me makes me feel high due to my amazing parents who taught me to dream and achieve and my family who helped me in my journey of achievements and good life.
- Define the true beauty.
Beauty to me is a reflection of inner goodness, hardwork and positivity that shapes up into magnetic and confident personality. I know lot of people who weren’t beautiful as per type casted definition of being perfect bodied and skinned.But amazingly none of that matters because all that finally shines is the magnetic and confident persona that one gains from the inner goodness, hard work and positivity.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Beauty to me is a reflection of inner goodness, hardwork and positivity that shapes up into magnetic and confident personality. I know lot of people who weren’t beautiful as per type casted definition of being perfect bodied and skinned.But amazingly none of that matters because all that finally shines is the magnetic and confident persona that one gains from the inner goodness, hard work and positivity.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
Beauty to me is a reflection of inner goodness, hardwork and positivity that shapes up into magnetic and confident personality. I know lot of people who weren’t beautiful as per type casted definition of being perfect bodied and skinned.But amazingly none of that matters because all that finally shines is the magnetic and confident persona that one gains from the inner goodness, hard work and positivity.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
I have always found relevant to challenge myself and explore the unexplored as I strongly believe that there isn’t any sequence to what we choose to achieve. To me, its simply going on achieving milestones as per the instinct. I believe that all the tough and resilient times and the sweat has added substance to my being and I feel now worthy enough to associate with a community of women who have lived through marriage with love and passion, who have been perseverant through parenthood and yet have been true to themselves and to their dreams. I also feel that while we were busy guarding the boundaries and concentrating on enemies there was a set of society who was constantly working towards upliftment of society as a whole. These wonderful women will help me in moving ahead with the journey of solidarity by associating with a welfare cause and making my own contribution in making the world a better place to live in.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
While growing up, the constitutional rights and responsibilities were taught but not absorbed by many. Today, we all clearly know our fundamental rights but are in denial of the responsibilities. On one hand the political gimmick is constantly rupturing the secular fabric of the nation. On the other hand, ignorant of the social responsibilities the signs of civil disobedience and sentimentally driven Indian citizens is scary. The educated in this country talk only till they are in college, beyond that, the youth either leaves the country and never comes back or struggles with the challenges thrown upon them convinced to convenience that the governance as well as logic is the duty of administration / politicians. Solace is in the fact that the fabric of the nation is mature to handle the venom thrown around in its own distinct ways. Bigger than any other emerging topic is the question that haunts me that what are we going to leave for our next generation. Though, I am not an environmentalist but can visualize the future. The earth quakes and floods in recent past are hints that the nature is giving towards environment awareness. The levels of pollution and commercialization have left us into a state of health hazards and life threatening diseases such as Cancer are growing on an unimaginable place. Aravalli’s are getting cut and depletion is being done without any fear of administration or social responsibility. National Green Tribunal issues directions which as citizens of India we are in complete denial of. I see this as the most potent threat than even the secular fabric of the nation being ruptured. Lets rise to the cause and make this world a better place to live in.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
I have been very patriotic right from childhood and only motivational quotes such as ‘Keep fit Indian Air Force and the country needs you” use to appeal me. Eventually, the horizon broadened and I started orienting to the concepts like global peace, environment, and health and happiness. Not that the patriotism got a notch lower but who would know the importance of peace than the clan that I represent. What has started amazing me very recently are the different perspectives to the peace, environment and harmony around. I never knew that this could come from echo of bells, to the subtle sound of waves and streams to the soothing effect of morning breeze and refreshing sunshine. So the most apt quote for mindset right now would be:CREATE A LIFE THAT FEELS GOOD ON THE INSIDE NOT ONE THAT LOOKS GOOD ONLY ON THE OUTSIDE
- What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?
Sportsmanship is an attitude. An attitude where a person is mentally and physically attuned to put in maximum effort in maintaining health and Ifeventually translates into channelizing the energy towards practicing a particular sport. Only when one pushes oneself to those limits of dedicated effort than one realizes that outcome whether negative or positive doesn’t matter.Therefore, the sportsmen are often seen celebrating / accepting with utmost grace the success of opponent as well.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
The very fact that I decided to step into all together new arena is to contribute as much as I can monetarily, socially and physically to the environment as I mentioned earlier and other ways I can extend solidarity. I chose MrsIndia Queen of substance amongst other platforms of the kind after due research about the nobel cause that Mrs Ritika And Mr Vinay Yadawa have associated to. HCWA is a wonderful organization looking after the needs of women and children from the poorest of poor communities in India. I hail from a very benevolent and selfless part of soldier community who will help me in associating in this GOD sent opportunity my way. While HCWA has moved from organizing charity for these women and children to philanthropic organization which makes them capable enough to be self reliant and aware, I would like to add value by adding a manufacturing unit to HCWA where the products made by these women and children could help generateemployment for them and regular source of fund for helping the Board of Directors in taking their dream to the next step of philanthropy. My Finance Experience along with the charity that I do will help in making it a reality.