Mamta Tiwari
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
I am from Mumbai the city of uniti. I am from joint family and believe in unity, and knows 5 languages and would like to deal with anyone with their language.I am open minded,positive thinker,self believe,hard working,and friendly with all age people.I strongly believe in motivating and inspiring others.My biggest inspiration is children,I don’t judge anybody,I don’t make stories, and I don’t make meanings to others, and this is the secret of my happiness.My will power and continuous positive thinking is my secret of a perfect homemaker and a successful business woman.My public persona is that of a financially independent but in private life i love to depend on my husband.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
I had to go through lots of obstacles in my personal life,be it my education or my job.There were restrictions at my house and my in laws house with financial conditions.The most difficult period was handling my motherhood journey with my child,my job work and my household work together.I left my job to stay at home maximum time to nurture my child.Staying at home and settlement of my own business was again most challenging job for me.But I have win through difficulties at every stage of my life. I did “Early Childcare Education†2 years diploma course at age 42 and came first in my college and awarded as a best student too,for me age don’t matter to do anything in my life.and all these achievements makes me feel high.
- Define the true beauty.
Eternal beauty is the real beauty,which defines a fit mind.Thee body achieves everything that mind believes.Instead outer beauty inner beauty shines for ever.According to me we can’t just seek progress for ourselves and forget about others,we must be open minded enough to include the aspirations and the need of others too.Real beauty is a bunch of flowers in a pot which plays an immense role to decorate our house.A beautiful woman plays a role of flowerpot and this constitutes real beauty.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
A woman has a power to heal her life and her family life.I believe that a tiniest change to the routine makes a huge difference.if a woman can balance her family life and professional life with at most patience and compassion.and with serving herself in front of her family with love,and handle all the situations with at most care. And if family members make a routine of sharing their thoughts and experiences every night with acknowledging each other,it plays an important role to make a complete,healthy and happy family.Making a special night by watching movie together and celebrating festivals with family,respecting each other by giving space everyone, balances your family life with 5 elements ie.Air,Fire,Water,Space,Earth
- What is your favourite Idea of Holidaying?
For me Holidaying is investment for your good health because the primary resource of nurturing your family and wealth is you.Holidaying is a part of balancing your family and professional life. My favorite idea of Holidaying is exposing to new environment,different human behaviour,entertainment and adventures too,without disturbing the environment,nature and the culture of that particular area.
- Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?
Well,I wanted to start the 2nd half of the journey of my life with new passion.As fashion is my passion since childhood days,and, i had never ever entered in any pageant before,I spontaneously thought of enrolling my self to MIQS.And I started exploring my self by asking questions that who i am,about my nature,my upcoming goals etc.But still was confused for this Pageant.I am having a habit of reminding my upcoming goals every night before going to bed for better tomorrow,and I suddenly got an answer that just a single thought of entering this MIQS makes vast difference in me,if i will seriously enter for this pageant then magic will happen.This is the platform of my further goals.
- what bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
n India today each and every casts people are fighting for their reservation,and no one is bothering about development and progress of our country and about India’s security.All politicians are fighting for their chair and profit but not believing in unity and not finding solutions for better India.Today India is in the pain by social ills with corrupt politicians who all are making holes for the future of upcoming generation.And the changes can be done by our youth by voting right powerful man who is able to take strong decisions for New and Better India.
- the Quote or saying that encourages you?
One quote that encourages me is “Karma has no Menu,You will get Serve what You Deserve.’ In my life i have never ever thought of the result of my hard work.just honouring my words and responsibilities,I do my job.And I get everything what i deserve and I am satisfied with my results.
- What is true “sportsmanship†for you?
A true sportsman is physically fit but he should have fit mind too.Sportsmanship means playing 100% fair games,following the rules of the games, respecting the judgement of referees and acknowledge the opponent too for his better performance.For me true “Sportsmanshipâ€is who follow the same rules and regulations in his life too.It is his job to be supportive of every single one.
- if you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?f
As i am already a member of “Sankalp Seva Trustâ€and giving my valuable time as a volunteer in cultural programs.Through this trust we help lower class people for their education and health purpose.We do help handicapped children too.We organize Tirth Yatra for senior citizens.I have recently joined the “Women Chambers of Commerce India†and through this we give platform to married women to promote their business.If i were selected for a Charity Ambassador I would have the opportunity to spend on entire year directly with NGO’s and this experience will help me to develop our existing trust in leadership skills