Mrs. S Sagar
- A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.
Diligent, Kind , Adaptable, Compassionate and Observant – yes that’s what people call me. I am a confident and successful entrepreneur who follows her heart and a firm believer of god’s miracle .My adaptable nature allows me to imbibe new ideas spontaneously and at the same time my confident persona enables me to stand for the right and purposeful causes. I am proud to be married to a decorated Army Officer who is my mentor and biggest motivator who has taught me to fight to the last and never ever give up in life. I am blessed with a daughter Pehr , who has given a new dimension to my life by adding more and more happiness and joy with each passing day . Her birth made me believe that courage is the utmost of all the virtues without it, one can't practice any other virtue consistently. I am an avid animal lover and my pets Mable and Betsy makes my family complete. Apart from god’s grace I am indebted to my family and friends who helped me to defeat the deadliest disease cancer and gave me new life to make a steady effort to bring a smile on people's face and motivate them to fight the disease even to the peril of their life.
- Your Achievements that makes you feel high.
Life is journey with milestone and accomplishment of each milestone is a reason to celebrate. Every milestone big or small achieved has made my parents and family proud and those moments have always given me a high whether it was just an appreciation as best student, a humble recognition as best teacher at Air Force School, marriage to decorated Army Officer, professional association with Adobe or becoming an entrepreneur. However the greatest moment very close to my heart is when I gave birth to my daughter by going against the medical advise and listening only to my heart and soul – in a nutshell to the inner voice of my unborn child who asked “ Mummy will I be able to see the world “
- Define the true beauty.
A true beauty is not about a beautiful face but about beautiful soul as true beauty appeals to the soul and is a reflection of your character. Beauty actually originates from within, and spreads its fragrance all around. True beauty stays forever and leaves a mark in human minds and heart.
- What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?
Connecting with family actually helps to create a positive environment. It’s important to spend quality time with children to make them feel that they are accepted, appreciated and loved. Complete, healthy and happy family for me, means family with consistency in high morals, healthy life style and good values along with discipline as inherent factor. Ingredients of happy family cannot be laid out without warmth, respect, care and encouragement to the family members. No Success is a celebration without family and every failure can be overcome with support of family. To sum-up family is the backbone of every individual.
- What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?
It’s rightly said that what one love about life is on the display when it comes to what holiday they actually prefer the most. My favourite idea of perfect holidaying is to be far from the madding crowd with family, playing with my kids and pets. For me Holiday is tool to spend time with family and rejuvenate and refresh yourself so that once you are back from holiday you pursue your goal with more zeal and enthusiasm.
- Why you are participating in Mrs India Queen of Substance?
As we all know “Mrs India Queen of Substance†Pageant is the National Pride and Treasure of India so who will not like to be part of such a National Pride. In fact it’s a dream come true for every Indian women because it gives a unique platform for women empowerment.
- What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?
Although there are large number of issues country is facing today and they are being addressed at various level however the issues which bothers me the most are terrorism and female infanticide as both are crime against humanity.
- The Quote or saying that encourages you?
This quote encourages me as it gives a message that let whatever happens just keeping moving towards your goal. If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, But whatever you do you have to keep moving forward - BY MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.
- What is true “Sportsmanship†for you?
In my viewpoint sportsmanship means not just taking part in sports as per the rules prescribed, but it also means playing the game of the life in conformity with the spirit imbibed on the playing fields. A true sportsmanship means observing rules in life, which one has been taught to observe in games like team spirit, organizing capabilities, perseverance, taking accountability, trusting others and self and urge to accomplish goals.
- If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador what Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?
If I am selected as a charity ambassador I would like to continue my work for the less privileged thus adding value to the society which has given me a lot of love and care , with an endeavor to make our country proud globally at all the platforms provided to me by Mrs India Queen of Substance As a charity ambassador together with Mrs. India Queen Pageant would like to work for cancer patient, firstly by addressing sudden changes in their family dynamic as a result of cancer by educating them, secondly keeping them well informed of Employment dilemmas & financial disturbances through financial planning and lastly help them to overcome depression, panic, fear, and anxiety through motivation thereby assisting them to get back to their everyday life.